Got an idea for an article? We want as many unique voices on TradeReady as possible. BUT we are sticklers for only publishing the best content to our readers.
Before submitting your article for consideration, please review the following.
Types of content we are looking for
- Instructional content. Provide value to our readers by giving them a clear “how-to”.
- Expert content. What are you an expert in that you can teach others?
- New content ideas. We want articles that offer truly unique content.
- Relevant content. How does your article help people in international business?
- 100% original content. With rare exceptions, won’t publish anything that has been previously published elsewhere.
Article guidelines
- Provide unique content that hasn’t been published elsewhere (or here!). Please read TradeReady articles and search for your article topic to ensure we haven’t already covered it.
- Use clear language and provide actionable how-to information.
- Avoid generalizations and unspecific copy. We want to go beyond basic, obvious information. Our audience is pretty savvy to all things international business.
- Provide links to credible sources to back up all facts, quotes, numbers and claims.
- Use only up-to-date information.
- Don’t appear overly self-promotional. We will only include backlinks that point to relevant, valuable content.
- Be confident and authoritative. As the author, you must be the “expert” in what you are writing about.
- We aren’t sticklers for word count, but please stay in the ballpark of 800 – 2000 words.
- We provide header images. But please include any relevant visual aids (charts, graphs, etc) that illustrate your points. Ensure you have the rights to publish any graphics you include.
- Have fun with it! Though we need to be sure we are publishing credible, high-value content, this isn’t an academic journal. Be creative and casual if it fits your topic.
Article no-nos.
- Unoriginal content that has been published elsewhere or is similar to previously published content.
- Opinion-based content with a political or personal agenda, not backed up by credible sources.
- Self-promotional content or links. Links to relevant sources can be included.
- Articles that offer no unique value.
- Hard to read articles (unclear or convoluted language, jargon not commonly understood in the industry, long, complicated sentences or paragraphs).
- Spelling and grammatical errors. Please carefully review your article before submitting (or have a friend or colleague look it over!).
How to impress us (and our audience)
- Don’t email us your article. Submit it through the form provided.
- Use subheadings and ensure your article flows smoothly from one paragraph to the next, with a beginning, middle and end.
- Edit. Edit. Edit. Use a spell checker and have a second pair of eyes look it over before it gets to us.
- Provide original quotes from credible experts.
- Give us helpful visual elements (graphs, charts, etc.).
What happens when I submit my post?
Once we receive your article it will be placed into our content queue and we will review it in the order that we receive it. It can take a bit of time for us to do a full review and get back to you so please be patient. All authors will be contacted to notify if we will be working together to publish your content, or if it’s not a fit for TradeReady.
TradeReady editors may decide to make changes to your article to make it the best dang article we can. Please be open to suggestions, we will always make you aware of any changes before publishing.
Publishing dates will vary depending on the amount of articles in our queue and scheduled content. You will be notified of approximate publishing date once the article has been approved.