Bennett OBrien Blog for International Trade Experts Tue, 16 Jul 2024 02:00:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 33044879 4 countries that are taking China’s place as major manufacturing hubs Tue, 26 Nov 2019 18:31:30 +0000 Replacing China as major manufacturing countries

Manufacturing is a key part of many national economies. However, certain nations, such as China, are known for having significantly stronger manufacturing sectors than most countries. In recent years, however, China’s manufacturing sector has been declining due to rising labor costs, the ongoing trade war with America, and a trend towards high-tech manufacturing jobs. This means that many companies are searching for new countries to which they can move their low-skill and low-cost manufacturing.

Here is a list of the top four countries that are picking up China’s manufacturing slack and will be major manufacturing hubs in the near future.

1. India

India is a country that is largely known for its software creation and its call centers. However, manufacturing has been steadily increasing there recently, largely due to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recently launched “Make in India” program that is helping to attract a large amount of foreign interest. The goals of this program are to facilitate investment, foster innovation, enhance skill development, protect intellectual property, and build best-in-class manufacturing infrastructure.

This program is part of a larger strategy to make it easy to do business in the country. This strategy has advanced manufacturing so much in India that the country is projected to by one of the top five manufacturing hubs for the world by the end of 2020. India’s manufacturing sector is currently growing by about 8% per year. It is attracting luxury brands, smartphone makers, automobile companies, and many more to conduct manufacturing in the nation. India could very well be the next China.

2. Vietnam

Vietnam has one of the fastest merchandise exports growth rates of any Asian country. In fact, between 2005 and 2013, merchandise exports increased by 20%. Considering that many companies that once used China for manufacturing are seeking out cheaper and more reliable alternatives in Asia, Vietnam could benefit substantially.

Vietnam is close to China and also borders the South China Sea, which connects to the Pacific Ocean. This means that shipping from Vietnamese countries is extremely feasible. This is desirable for companies that want to manufacture products in Vietnam and then have the products shipped to places like the United States and Canada.

In addition to its good location, Vietnam’s government has also been working hard to make business conditions favorable in the nation. It has been doing this by providing universal healthcare and job skills training, improving education, and developing infrastructure. Vietnam also has a stable political climate, which is favorable for business. All of these factors mean that there is a very good chance that more and more companies will outsource manufacturing to Vietnamese companies in the coming years.

3. Indonesia

Indonesia’s manufacturing has been growing by five percent for the last few years. Manufacturing now makes up about 25 percent of the country’s GDP. Additionally, Indonesia’s population has been growing steadily in recent years as well. The country now has about 240 million people.

Indonesia currently has some major infrastructure issues and needs to its power stations and grid, water sanitation systems, roads, seaports, airports, and urban transportation. This is especially true now that Indonesia is seeing larger percentages of its citizens migrating to urban areas.

The government has started to invest hundreds of billions of dollars into infrastructure development. So, this is encouraging. But there is a lot of room for improvement. However, if Indonesia can fix its infrastructure issues, then even more companies could outsource manufacturing to this nation. The low cost of labor, proximity to the Pacific Ocean, and relatively stable political climate are all very attractive to companies who need manufacturing. All of these things mean that Indonesia could soon become another Asian powerhouse of manufacturing.

Competition with India and Vietnam will be strong, so the country has its work cut out for it. But considering vast quantities of companies, including Apple, Nintendo, and HP, are all looking to move at least part of their manufacturing out of China, Indonesia could be one of the key beneficiaries of this mass exodus. The protracted U.S./China trade war, tariffs, and China’s rising labor costs are forcing companies to seek manufacturing outside of China. Indonesia could be where many companies including large tech companies end up setting up new manufacturing operations.

4. Singapore

Despite the fact that Singapore is a small nation and is only about 31 miles wide at its widest point, the nation has a strong manufacturing sector that has continued to grow in recent years. In fact, during 2018, Singapore’s manufacturing sector grew by roughly ten percent. Manufacturing is Singapore’s fastest-growing business sector.

The product categories that are leading the manufacturing charge in Singapore are electronics, biomedical, and transport engineering. Other key reasons why Singapore’s manufacturing sector is increasing include the fact that the country has excellent infrastructure and is very stable politically. These factors help to make businesses feel comfortable launching manufacturing operations in the nation. The political stability of Singapore gives the country an advantage over places like Thailand, which is experiencing major political uncertainty at the moment.

Singapore is yet another Asian nation that could benefit from the decline of China’s manufacturing dominance. Singapore is somewhat limited by its size. However, many companies will most likely seek to conduct manufacturing in Singapore because of all the advantages it provides.

The manufacturing map will continue to change rapidly in the coming years

After decades of consistent growth and a meteoric rise to become the world’s biggest manufacturing powerhouse, China is starting to face a lot of difficulties in its manufacturing sector. Companies are fleeing the nation rapidly and are quickly seeking low-cost alternatives. India, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Singapore will all likely benefit tremendously from this situation and see continued manufacturing growth as a result.

However, as these nations see their manufacturing increase, they will most likely have to deal with many of the issues that China is facing right now, such as rampant pollution, increasing salaries, and potentially even protracted trade wars with the United States. China is going to be forced to adapt to the fact that it is becoming an increasingly unpopular place to manufacture goods. Meanwhile, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Singapore can all enjoy the fruits of their hard work and watch foreign investment continue and their manufacturing sectors to increase year after year as long as this trend continues.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the contributing author, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forum for International Trade Training.
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4 ways companies are using green business strategies to win over customers Tue, 15 Oct 2019 13:38:59 +0000 4 ways companies are using green business strategies to win over customers

Green business strategies are not only good for the planet, but they can also be extremely beneficial for winning over customers. This is especially true for millennials who tend to be much more environmentally conscious than their older counterparts. Many companies are now taking advantage of the rise of this green trend to make more money, win over customers, and help save the planet at the same time.

Here are 4 ways that companies are using green business strategies to win over customers.

1. Harvesting wood from sustainable forests

There are only a limited number of trees in the world, and we need trees to help create oxygen to keep our air suitable to our needs. Deforestation and the out-of-control harvesting of trees have been a major problem in nations such as Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia, and Peru in recent years. In fact, roughly 17 percent of the Amazon rainforest has been lost to deforestation in the past 50 years, mostly so that ranchers could have lands for their cattle to graze on.

In an effort to curb deforestation, however, a number of companies that use wood for their businesses have started harvesting wood from sustainable forests. Ikea is a perfect example of this. Ikea now harvests 50 percent of all of its wood for its furniture products from sustainable forests. The company also harvests 100 percent of its cotton from farms that meet the “better cotton standards,” which mandate a reduced use of pesticides, chemicals, water, and energy.

2. Using apps to compare environmental footprints of products

In a bold and highly environmentally friendly move, several top clothing brands have created apps that allow fashion designers to learn about the environmental footprint of the various fabrics and fashion materials they use. This way, designers can choose to avoid using the materials with the largest carbon footprints and instead use the ones that are much more sustainable and/or environmentally friendly.

Two companies that have started using this technology are Nike and Patagonia. Nike has not always had the best track record when it comes to environmentalism. However, the company has been on a path towards change in response to consumer preferences for green products for the last decade or so. In fact, Nike even used recycled materials in over 75 percent of its shoes and apparel. This is incredible to think about.

Since 2012, Nike has used material from over 5 billion plastic bottles to manufacture its products. That is 5 billion plastic bottles that would have otherwise ended up in landfills. When it comes to using recycled materials and sourcing greener products, Nike is one of the companies currently leading the charge and setting a good example for brands around the world.

3. Creating revolutionary products that are much greener than alternatives

There is currently no better example of a company that is using this strategy than Beyond Meat, the company that took veggie burgers to the next level. Veggie burgers have been around for a long time, but they have never tasted anywhere near as close to real meat as they do today, thanks to Beyond Meat and its like-for-like competitors.

Beyond Meat’s burgers produce a whopping 90 percent fewer greenhouse gases than cow-based burger alternatives. Considering that the red meat industry is one of the leading causes of greenhouse gases, it is extremely significant that Beyond Meat produces so few greenhouses gases in the production of their burgers. Supposedly, they taste almost exactly like real burgers too!

Beyond Meat’s incredible innovation is a perfect example of how companies are creating extremely high-quality products that are greener and allows them to compete with less green products in an effective way.

4. Optimizing supply chains for reduced carbon emissions and pollution

In the past ten years, a number of high-profile companies have taken substantial steps to clean up their supply chains and develop green business strategies. This process can involve choosing suppliers that use greener products, pollute less, and use less energy in their operations.

One company that has been at the forefront of the battle to make supply chains greener is Unilever. In 2010, Unilever CEO Paul Polman set a goal of doubling the company’s business while halving the company’s environmental impact in just ten years. Since then, Unilever has made tremendous strides towards reaching this goal. Working with greener suppliers and cleaning up its supply chain is one of the main ways that it has been able to make substantial progress.

To recognize Polman for the work that he has done in protecting the environment, the United Nations presented him with the Champion of the Earth award in 2015, a prestigious award more commonly given to politicians, scientists or activists. Polman’s award is therefore a testament to the hard work that he has put in and the success that his company has had in making the world a better and greener place.

Not already going green? You may soon be left behind by your competitors

Considering the fact that roughly three out of four millennials are willing to spend more money on sustainable products, it is highly likely that the green trend is going to continue for many years. This is especially true since millennials will soon be entering their peak earning years.

Generations that follow millennials will most likely follow the trend for preferring sustainable products set by millennials because they will be even more impacted by global warming than millennials will be. Assuming this occurs, consumer preferences for sustainable products will not be going away anytime soon.

Savvy companies are well aware of the fact that green business strategies are the future and are making changes to prepare for this future today. Nike, Unilever, Ikea, Patagonia, and Beyond Meat are just some of the companies that are adapting well to the green movement. Nike’s transformation has been especially impressive, and should serve as an inspiration to companies all around the world who want to become greener.

Is it time that your company starts taking sustainability more seriously?

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the contributing author, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forum for International Trade Training.
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3 key issues affecting global trade right now Thu, 22 Aug 2019 11:12:32 +0000 global trade issues

Despite the fact that international trade is more streamlined and interconnected than ever before, there are still a number of issues prevalent in the industry right now. These issues are creating problems and making things more difficult for supply chains around the world to function at optimal levels. Here is a look at three of the most important issues that are affecting global trade right now.

1. Rising tariffs

As the world’s largest economy, the United States has a lot of economic power and influence. However, under President Trump, the United States has decided to engage in a series of trade wars, using tariffs as its main weapon. Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly stated that he believed that the United States was suffering from a series of bad trade deals and currency manipulation tactics from nations such as China.

Once he got into office, President Trump started imposing several different tariffs on imported goods. He justified them as an attempt to make trade conditions more favorable for the United States.  In the past two years, Trump has put 10-25 % tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of Chinese goods. These goods include solar panels, steel, aluminum, and many others.

In response to these tariffs, China has also put tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of American imports. Currently, the United States has more tariffs on Chinese goods than China has on U.S. goods. However, this tit-for-tat trade war seems to have no end in sight. Now China has put a ban on buying U.S. agricultural products and has also devalued its currency as a further attempt to win the trade war with the United States.

This protracted trade war is disrupting the free flow of trade between the world’s two largest economies. This trade war and its consequences will be felt around the world for some time to come. The levels of trade that exist between the two nations will impact many other countries.

2. Intellectual property theft and counterfeiting

This issue also is primarily between China and the United States. President Trump has accused the Chinese of participating in rampant intellectual property theft via cyberattacks and forced technology transfers. Many different parties have accused the Chinese of counterfeiting numerous brands and products.

The continuous theft of intellectual property by Chinese companies is a very serious issue. Even China’s President Xi Jinping has spoken out against it and expressed his belief that stronger punishments for infringement and violators are needed. The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis conducted a study in 2015 that determined that roughly half of all of the technology owned by Chinese companies was obtained by foreign companies.

IP theft is a major global trade issue because companies are unlawfully profiting from breakthroughs made by other companies. The incentive for business to innovate reduces and often leaves markets flooded with counterfeit products. This increases competition, thus reducing prices for businesses who spent the initial research and development money to improve their products. These businesses should therefore be able to charge more to recoup those costs of development.

When nations believe that other nations are stealing their trade secrets, the consequences can be severe. For example, President Trump claimed that one of the primary reasons why he levied such strong tariffs on China was to get back some of the money that American companies lost through intellectual property theft by Chinese corporations.

Despite the growing awareness around the issue and actions being taken to deal with it, intellectual property theft continues to be a major issue. In fact, multiple Chinese citizens working for Apple as engineers were recently arrested for attempting to steal trade secrets from Apple regarding the company’s upcoming autonomous vehicles.

3. Governments confiscating shipments

Although international trade companies have long been forced to worry about pirates from places like Somalia interfering with shipments on the oceans, governments are now actively intercepting vessels and their cargo on a much larger scale. For example, the nation of Iran has recently seized three oil tankers in the Persian Gulf.

Iran is doing this as a retaliation for the strict sanctions that the United States government has placed on it. Trump’s sanctions are an attempt to choke off Iran’s oil sales, which are the backbone of its economy. President Trump has long criticized the 2015 nuclear deal that was struck between the two nations, and is using the sanctions to try to pressure Iran to renegotiate the deal.

The recent seizures made by Iran have irritated President Trump. As a result, he has appealed to the United States’ Western allies to create a military force that can guard vessels passing through the Strait of Hormuz and other dangerous Middle Eastern waterways. Some of these allies, such as Germany, have said no.

It appears that many nations do not want to partake in the conflict between the United States and Iran.  Considering the fact the United States’ previous long, drawn-out conflicts with Middle Eastern nations were extremely unpopular with many nations, it is not a surprise that countries are not rushing to join the United States in a military conflict with Iran. This is especially true considering the fact that nuclear weapons are at the heart of the conflict.

There’s still lots of hope for the future of trade, despite current tensions

Thanks to increases in modern technology, international trade is still thriving. However, the extensive amount of rising tariffs, counterfeiting and intellectual property theft, and government seizures of vessels are all creating problems for global trade right now. These problems appear to revolve mostly around three nations: the United States, China, and Iran. All three of these nations have vastly different political ideologies and all three are very powerful.

It is unclear how the three nations will resolve the tension in the future. However, for people around the world who work in and depend on global trade, export numbers continue to grow worldwide. With new trade deals signed regularly, the hope will be that current problems can be solved quickly and peacefully.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the contributing author, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forum for International Trade Training.

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Top 5 North American conferences you don’t want to miss if you are in freight forwarding and logistics Thu, 28 Feb 2019 12:40:00 +0000 Freight forwarding and logistics conferences

The logistics, freight forwarding and transportation industry has some incredible conferences which help to educate, inspire, and connect people involved in the field. These conferences are a great way for industry members to network and develop key knowledge for success.

Here are some of the top conferences in North America for freight forwarders and logistics.

1. WERC National Conference

April 28-May 1, 2019 | Columbus, OH

The WERC (Warehousing Education and Resource Council) National Conference is a fantastic annual event for members of the logistics community to come and learn more about their trade. Because this conference is specific to warehousing, it is ideal for anyone in the logistics industry who is primarily involved with storage and warehousing.

A unique aspect of the WERC National Conference is its interactive simulation activities. These powerful learning tools are ideal for anyone aiming to gain practical knowledge in this area. Learning from experts in such a hands-on way can help you build on your skillset in this industry.

Finally, this conference also features facility tours and exclusive sessions with several companies. All present exciting opportunities to advance supply chain knowledge.

2. Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference

May 13-16, 2019 | Phoenix, AZ

The Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference is another wonderful annual event for members of the supply chain industry. Those in attendance will be treated to speeches, networking sessions, and workshops, like many of the other events.

However, this conference also has several unique components that separate it from others. For example, it features a ceremony called the “Gartner Top 25,” in which the top 25 organizations that embody supply chain excellence and innovations are honored with a special dinner. This is a great way to get to know the key movers and shakers in the field.

This event is geared toward innovation and advances in the supply chain industry. It even offers sessions with industry analysts, where you can learn the latest technology in the industry. It’s a great place to rub elbows with those at the cutting edge of the trade.

3. CTRF 53rd Annual Conference

May 26-29, 2019 | Vancouver, BC

This annual conference is a chance for freight forwarding professionals to meet and reflect on the history of the industry. It is also a chance to discuss current trends and developments in freight forwarding, and talk about the future of the industry.

This event is being held at the Pinnacle Harbourfront Hotel in Vancouver, from May 26-29, 2019. It is a great way to enjoy springtime, and learn more about the supply chain industry!

The Canadian Transport Research Forum holds this conference every year. It is known as one of the leading events for transportation professionals in Canada. There are many open forums which promote discussion and propose research ideas for freight forwarding. It is a great place to learn and network for those in the transportation industry.

4. 3PL and Supply Chain Summit

June 10-12, 2019 | Atlanta, GA

Based in Atlanta, the 2019 3PL and Supply Chain Summit is a key gathering for those in the logistics industry. Some important topics that this conference will focus on include e-commerce, high and low tech solutions, urban, suburban, and rural delivery, and keeping pace with the consumer.

The event will feature speeches and panels with CEOs and important members of the logistics business. Other new features include a special networking party, an exclusive blockchain workshop and an informative session focused on temperature-controlled logistics solutions.

The conference will be held at the Westin Peachtree Plaza, right in the heart of downtown Atlanta and within walking distance of many city landmarks. It’s always great when a conference offers the chance to do some sightseeing too!

5. Cargo Logistics Canada Expo and Conference

Exact date TBA, 2020 | Vancouver, BC

Billed as Canada’s largest supply chain event, this annual expo and conference helps connect cargo owners with cargo movers. It is the perfect event to make the right connections to advance your business or career in the supply chain industry.

This conference features targeted summit events, more than a hundred speakers and industry experts, and thousands of square feet of exhibit space. In the words of the organizers, “The entire supply chain will be under one roof!”

This is the seventh annual Cargo Logistics Canada Expo and Conference, and has taken place in Vancouver all but one year, when it was located in Montreal.

If you are in the supply chain industry in Canada and you are looking to either connect with cargo transporters, or people who have cargo that needs to be moved, this is the place to be. Just imagine the incredible business opportunities you’ll have as you meet countless professionals in the field. It is the perfect event to grow your business.

Did we miss an event that you think should be on the list? What events do you plan on attending this year?

 Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the contributing author, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forum for International Trade Training.
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Top 10 websites you can use to find your dream international trade job Mon, 09 Apr 2018 21:13:40 +0000 New female employee getting a thumbs up in approval

International business-related jobs pay an average of 13-18% more than domestic-focused positions. And with more trade happening than ever before in history, there are new opportunities opening up all the time. So, where do you find these lucrative jobs?  Here is a look at 10 of the best online sources trade professionals can use to find their next job.

  1. LinkedIn

If you’re not yet on LinkedIn, you should be! Beyond job searching, LinkedIn is the top business networking site in the world. You can use it to upload your resume and create a detailed bio that lays out your experience and the skills that you have to offer prospective employers, but it’s also a place for conversation and connection.

Join groups of like-minded business professionals and talk shop, find out about the latest opportunities, events and more. You never know who might know someone that’s looking for a candidate just like you. LinkedIn also boasts having over 2000 international trade in the jobs posted on its site, as well as thousands more specific to international logistics, trade finance or global sales.

  1. Monster is another titan in the online job search world. Started in 1999, it’s also one of the most experienced. Like LinkedIn, Monster also has hundreds of international trade jobs posted on its platform that currently need filling. These jobs include Senior International Trade Analyst, International Trade Export Coordinator, and Sales Associate for International Trading Company. They also post great articles featuring tips, tricks and resources to help you rise above the pack and find the right job for you.

  1. Careerbuilder provides labor market intelligence, talent management software, and other recruitment solutions, including online career search services for more than 1,900 partners in 24 countries. There are currently over 300 jobs referencing international trade that need filling on this site, including Import/Export Coordinator, International Trade Compliance Specialist, and Senior Analyst – International Trade Compliance. Regardless of whether you are just starting your career or are highly experienced, there are many opportunities on this site.

  1. Indeed is a basic, no frills job search site that pulls in job postings from all over the world, using a simple, easy to use interface. You’ll find company reviews, salaries and a wide variety of jobs on its platform, including thousands specifically mentioning international trade. These jobs include International Trade Compliance Specialist, International Trade Specialist, and Trade Show Management Marketing Specialist. If you are looking to find work in the international trade industry, it can be a great place to start searching.

  1. USA Jobs portal

The USA Jobs website is another good place to look. The USA Jobs portal is an aggregate source for international import export trade within the US government.  A quick search on this website will bring up international trade-related government jobs in a wide range of sectors and cities.

  1. Glassdoor

More than just a job post site, Glassdoor gives you the chance to get more detailed insights into prospects with reviews of employees, employers and interview experiences as well as past salaries for specific positions. Contributors all post 100% anonymously, so you can get full transparency into companies and jobs posted. Currently, there are over 1,500 international trade jobs listed, and more are being added every day. Examples include DMS Specialist – International Trade Compliance, Trade Compliance Specialist, and International Trade – Senior Specialist.

CITP designation banner image explaining what the certified international trade professional designation is

  1. ZipRecruiter

Ziprecruiter may be the site that has the largest amount of international trade jobs, as it claims to have thousands of international trade job postings. Examples of specific job titles listed include International Trade Specialist, International Trade Associate, and Senior Analyst – International Trade Compliance. Ziprecruiter boasts that you can apply for jobs with just one click! Together the volume of jobs and ease of use are two good reasons to give this site a try.

  1. Snagajob

Snagajob has a very catchy title and specializes in hourly-wage jobs. But whether you are looking for a salaried or hourly-rate position, there is a high number of quality international trade jobs listed on this site. These jobs include Associate Director of Trade Revenue Systems, Trade Compliance Analyst, and Staff Counsel – US Distribution and Trade. There are hundreds of international trade positions that are currently listed on, making it another great place to snag an international trade job.

  1. RobertHalf

Robert Half International, is an American human resource consulting firm with over 325 locations worldwide. The website doesn’t host as many listings as sites like Ziprecruiter or LinkedIn, but that also means that there is significantly less competition for the available positions. On, there are dozens of international trade jobs listed, including Export Clerk, Customs Declaration Assistant, and Export Specialist.

  1. TradeReady 

Your job search can begin right here at! Updated on a weekly basis, we curate the best and most varied import/export opportunities for international business professionals in Canada and the U.S. Look to the featured jobs section for positions that have listed FITTskills training and CITP certification as assets to get preferred candidate status. Find opportunities from Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), Sunblest Commodities, DHL, Clorox, Export Development Canada (EDC) and many more. Looking for highly qualified candidates? Send us a message at with your job listing today!

Your next job could already be posted – are you ready to start looking?

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3 types of green technology that will change the future of international trade Tue, 06 Mar 2018 18:59:53 +0000 Piece of big city being pulled up to reveal greenery underneath

As global warming and climate change continue to serve as threats to humanity, increasing numbers of people want to see green technology used more heavily in global trade.

Those involved in an industry that could soon be radically changed by developments of green technology should know about the latest developments and how they will affect your business. Here are some of the most exciting ways that green technology could change the future of international trade.

1. Taking electric transportation vehicles to a new level of speed and efficiency

Transportation is responsible for roughly 23% of global CO2 emissions. Boats, trucks, and planes mostly rely on fossil fuels like diesel, gasoline, and jet fuel to operate. However, there are major developments currently being made in battery technology which could make transportation more sustainable and reduce CO2 emissions.

The University of Surrey has invented a breakthrough technology called a “very high energy density super-capacitor,” which is capable of being 1,000-10,000 times more powerful than existing electric vehicle batteries. These capacitors could be fully charged in minutes, unlike the current electric vehicle batteries which take hours.

Tesla is already creating a fleet of electric trucks in a project called Tesla Semi, so electric shipping trucks should become more common on the roads in the next few years. Soon, it is possible that these trucks could be outfitted with the super-capacitor technology, or one that resembles it. Once such technology is used on a wider scale, the trucks transporting goods all over the world would see vast improvements in efficiency and produce significantly less CO2.

2. Reducing manufacturing emissions by turning it into fuel and diamonds

Manufacturing is another area of global trade which produces considerable quantities of greenhouse gases, roughly 30% of the world’s CO2 emissions. If significant progress against climate change is going to be made, green technology needs to be developed which can combat manufacturing emissions.

Luckily, such technologies are currently being developed, and have the potential to make an enormous positive impact on CO2 emissions from manufacturing.

One such development is a device made by a Canadian company called Carbon Engineering. They have created a device which is capable of removing one ton of CO2 from the air every single day. These devices  filter air and extract the CO2 directly from it. Carbon engineering even claims to be able to produce fuel from the CO2 that is extracted. Hypothetically, Carbon Engineering could set up their devices right outside of manufacturing plants or on the roofs of other buildings and filter the air to make it cleaner.

A Dutch designer named Daan Roosegaarde has created a similar device to filter out CO2 and be placed near manufacturing plants. Roosegaarde’s device can filter out 30,000 cubic meters of air every hour.

However, unlike Carbon Engineering’s device, Roosegaarde’s 7-meter filter tower compresses the CO2 into diamonds – amazing!

Roosegaarde plans to install his filters in parks and cities across China in the next few years. This could have a dramatic impact on the cleanliness of the air in China, especially in Beijing where air pollution is getting out of control.

3. The future of packaging requires no oil or petroleum products

Another burden on the environment is the immense use of plastics to create packaging. Not only is plastic derived from oil, but many of the plastic products that are created also take long periods of time to biodegrade. Plastic bags, plastic bottles, and plastic containers end up creating pollution in landfills, the ocean, and many other places.

Fortunately, there are a number of breakthroughs which can reduce our dependence on plastics for packing. One company, Be Green Packaging, is offering packaging that is completely biodegradable and made without any petroleum or oil-based resources.

Be Green’s packages are made from natural plant fibers, which are “non-toxic, and biodegrade into compost that is safe and healthy for the environment.” Their packaging products are instead made of plant-based fibers from kenaf, bamboo, rice, wheatstraw, bagasse, and various types of trees.

These packaging innovations are a perfect example of a new green technology that could dramatically reduce the overall carbon footprint of the international trade industry. In the future, if green packaging products by Be Green or similar companies are adopted by large companies such as Amazon or Apple, it could have a dramatic positive environmental impact.

Taking petroleum and oil completely out of packaging could be a major step forward for making companies all over the world greener, and is the exact sort of thing that is needed to fight climate change on a global level.

Adopting green technology is crucial to avoid environmental disaster

If global warming is not fixed, scientists estimate that the average temperature in the United States could increase by 10 degrees Fahrenheit in the next 100 years. This could cause a number of devastating effects. For example, it can lead to longer and more severe droughts, stronger and more frequent hurricanes and tropical storms, flooding of coastal areas, significantly more intense heat waves, and more.

It is also estimated that due to global warming, Antarctica has been losing about 134 billion metric tons of ice per year since 2002. All of this ice melting and going into the ocean causes sea levels to rise. Rising sea levels would eventually cause flooding in coastal areas and cities such as Miami, New York, and Boston. This would be devastating for the people who live in these areas.

Essentially, global warming and climate change are a major threat to humanity, and will put countless lives at danger in the next few decades. All of the innovations listed above could help to make the international trade industry significantly greener. This could help importers, exporters, manufacturers, shippers, and packagers reduce their carbon footprint and do their part to help fight global warming.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the contributing author, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forum for International Trade Training.
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4 companies who succeed by focusing on ethical sourcing and manufacturing Thu, 08 Feb 2018 18:05:28 +0000 ethical sourcing and manufacturing

In endeavoring to maximize profit margins, companies have been outsourcing their manufacturing as the cheapest way to source their goods. The focus on ethical sourcing is a relatively new trend.

In recent years there have been some major success stories of companies that have gone out of their way to make their sourcing and manufacturing both ethical and responsible. These companies not only boosted the reputation of their brands, but also ensured that workers on their supply chains were being treated well.

Here is a look four companies who earned outstanding reputations and found international success by going the extra mile to achieve ethical sourcing and manufacturing.

1. Patagonia

Patagonia, an American outdoor clothing company, has used organically grown cotton for all of its products since switching from pesticide-heavy cotton crops in 1994. The clothing company altered its entire supply chain to ensure environmentally friendly, safe working conditions. Furthermore, they provide excellent health insurance and gives paid paternity and maternity leave for all of its workers.

Patagonia has built a very strong reputation for being ethical, environmentally friendly, and using ethical sourcing. This positive reputation only strengthens its brand, and gives conscientious customers more incentive to buy.

2. Starbucks

Starbucks is committed to 100% sustainably sourced coffee, and uses a system called C.A.F.E. (Coffee and Farmer Equity Practices) in order to optimize its sustainable sourcing. There are four ideas at the heart of Starbucks’ C.A.F.E. sourcing system: quality, economic transparency, social responsibility, and environmental leadership.

Starbucks strives to always buy coffee at fair prices and ensure each step of the coffee planting, harvesting, processing and purchasing is always done ethically. The coffee giant even uses third parties to verify that its sourcing is ethical. The standards set by Starbucks are now recognized as the industry standard for ethical sourcing.

Starbucks works with over 170,000 farmers and generates billions of dollars in revenue every single year. Its ability to remain both profitable and set the industry standard for sustainability has been a shining example for North America’s coffee industry.

3. H&M

Clothing retailer H&M is committed to supply chain transparency. They publish a list of 98.5% of their suppliers’ names and addresses on their website and update it on a quarterly basis. Anyone can verify whether their suppliers live up to the standards set by the company. This also ensures they can be held publicly accountable for the conduct of their suppliers.

In addition to sharing its supply chain information, H&M also has a responsible sourcing goal of using only 100% recycled or sustainably sourced materials by the year 2030. This makes H&M a trendsetter, and an ethical leader in clothing retail.

In terms of sustainable and ethical sourcing, the fashion industry is view by many as problematic. If a leading clothing retailer like H&M can demonstrate its dedication to ethical practices and sustainability while maintaining profits, there is a potential to change this reputation as other retailers follow this example.

4. The Dr. Pepper Snapple Group

The Dr. Pepper Snapple Group features a social responsibility section on its website which explains the company’s policies regarding ethical sourcing, and outlines the code of conduct it expects each of its suppliers to follow. This section explains how the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group uses third party metrics from groups like the UN Human Development Index and the International Labor Association to evaluate the ethics and quality of the companies that it sources from. This helps to ensure that all of the materials that go into Dr. Pepper, Snapple, and the other beverages made by this company are from good quality companies who treat their workers fairly.

The social responsibility report outlines further efforts to improve energy efficiency, reduce water use, packaging waste, and more. This report allows anyone to take a deeper look into the ethics of the companies sourcing and get more informed about their suppliers.

How ethical sourcing and manufacturing improves the world and the bottom line

Not every company prioritizes ethical sourcing and many products in developed markets are still tied to unethical business practices. Despite this, the long-term trend is turning towards sustainability.

Social networking sites and the internet are making the world much more connected. Seeing and reporting on ethics violations and bad business practices is easier than ever before

Consumers can send the message that ethical behavior is important to them by making informed decisions when choosing which brands to support by purchasing their products.

The opposite is also true, and socially conscious consumers can now easily use the internet to find ethical brands. Customers are using their purchasing power to send the message that ethical sourcing and manufacturing are important to them. As a result, more businesses will change their practices as they acknowledge it makes good financial sense. This should see a rise in brands competing with each other to build ethical reputations to entice new customers. As a result, ethical sourcing and manufacturing practices will become much more commonplace around the world.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the contributing author, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forum for International Trade Training.
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Use these 10 international trade directories to find your next partner or distributor Tue, 21 Nov 2017 12:17:02 +0000 international trade directoriesFinding the right trade partner or distributor is often said to be the key to success in entering a new international market. But knowing where to find them and how to get in touch can be a challenge, especially when you have little experience and few connections in your target market. Fortunately, there are some excellent online resources to help you do this. Here are some of the most comprehensive online trade directories you can use to source and establish those key contacts for your international venture.

1. is one of the preeminent international trade directories on the web, with roughly 149,000 import and export service providers worldwide listed on its site. Not only can you search for contacts, you can also list your company and receive leads from people searching for your business category on the directory. has a free version, a silver version accessible for $300 per year, and a gold version priced at $900 per year. The silver and gold versions allow you to generate a higher volume of leads and the opportunities to list and have your business ranked for more services.


The FITA (Federation of International Trade Associations) directory is a massive list of trade associations in North America. The aggregate membership of all of the companies connected to these trade associations is over 400,000.

This makes the FITA trade directory perfect for overseas businesses who are looking to find partners in North America. Of course, this directory can also be helpful for businesses within North America seeking other partners in the region.

3. is a trade directory that is geared towards connecting larger multinational corporations with small to midsized businesses.

To use the directory, users must first create a project brief, then Globality will use artificial intelligence, trade experts, and algorithms to connect your company with service providers who have already been vetted.

This site does such a practical resource for both large companies looking to partner with smaller companies, and vice versa, since it does so much of the work for you. The matching technology used by Globality is known for its effective results.


The International Business Directory homepage lists dozens of international business categories and regions, and allows you to search based on either option.

So, for example, you could search for businesses in the Caribbean or Central America, or you could search for science and nature businesses, retail and consumer trade businesses, import and export businesses, etc. If you know the exact region and business category you’re looking for, this site could be a wonderful tool.


The International Trade Council consists of both businesses and individuals from 76 countries and has a strong international reputation. Its purpose is to help people and businesses involved in international trade to network, learn, and work with policymakers to help the international trade industry.

The International Trade Council member directory is a comprehensive list of all of the organization’s members. This list can be useful to anyone who is looking for contacts in the international trade business.


Controlled by the business data and analytics company Dun and Bradstreet (D & B), claims to have the world’s largest business database, with over 100 million contacts listed.

You can search this directory by industry, name, or location, making it easier to find what you’re looking for. If your aims to find many contacts or to conduct a wide search, this may be the best directory to use.

While the database offers a free trial, further options are available through paid access only.


In addition to being a top quality directory, Tradekey also functions as a marketplace and allows you to set up sales directly through the site. In fact, Tradekey has an entire section just for buyers.

This makes it one of the best places on the internet to set up deals with international buyers.


Europages is a premier trade directories for European businesses, with a list of over 2.6 million businesses, primarily located in Europe.

A key benefit of Europages is their translation network and multilingual search engine. These features make it among the most user-friendly trade directories available. You can simply choose your language of preference and search for what you need, with the assurance that everything will be translated properly and no language barriers or issues will arise. This is crucial considering many trade deals are set up between businesses located in countries that have different native languages.


Export Canada provides a large list of searchable Canadian exporters. Businesses looking to find Canadian service providers can search different categories such as stone and glass or footwear and headgear. Canadian products have a reputation for quality, and helps companies around the world to connect with and buy products from these companies. If you are working on behalf of a Canadian company, listing your business on this directory is a practical resource to gain leads.


This website labels itself the “World’s largest international trade and B2B community.” Right on its homepage you’ll find a convenient search bar which lets you search directly for products, suppliers, or importers.

In addition to having a user-friendly directory, Foreign Trade Online has other useful tools. Such as a list of trade shows that you can search through and plenty of information about travel and inspections. This site goes above and beyond being a simple directory. It serves as a one-stop-shop for everything that international trade businesses need, in terms of online resources.

How has your experience been using these international trade directories? Any other ones you would recommend? Add your thoughts in the comment section below.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the contributing author, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forum for International Trade Training.
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3 innovative new delivery methods that are changing shipping as we know it Thu, 07 Sep 2017 16:17:21 +0000 drones delivering pizzas in city sky

For thousands of years, deliveries were made either on foot, or with the assistance of a horse or a ship. Then trains, automobiles, and planes came along and radically changed things. In the past 100 years, deliveries were able to be made faster, safer, and more efficiently than at any point in history.

However, deliveries are now going through yet another stage of development, and innovation is changing shipping again. Here is a look at some of the newest and most innovative delivery methods that companies are trying now.

1. Drones to fill the skies

Drones – unmanned flying machines that can be piloted by a person on the ground or guided using software – are among the most hyped new shipping technologies. A number of companies have already begun using drones to make deliveries.

In fact, in March 2017, Amazon made its first official drone delivery through its new “Prime Air” delivery service. The delivery consisted of a bottle of sunscreen and was sent to people at a conference in Palm Springs, California. The drone flew in, dropped off the package successfully and flew out without any issues. The online retail giant is a known pioneer and a trendsetter. So if Amazon starts heavily relying on drones for deliveries, there is a good chance that many others will soon follow suit.

Amazon is just one of many companies who are experimenting with drone delivery. Some other companies who are experimenting with drone deliveries include Domino’s Pizza, Mercedes, the Ukrainian Postal Service, and Workhorse.

The fact that so many famous brands are starting to use drones means that everything from pizzas to diapers to clothing could soon be flying through the air in high volumes.

It may soon become as commonplace to see drones flying through the air as it is to see cars driving on streets.

One of the key reasons why companies are starting to adopt drone technology is because they do not require drivers on the roads to move goods from point A to point B. This can help save companies a lot of money on delivery costs.

This is great news for companies, but potentially bad news for deliver drivers. However, despite the fact that many delivery driving jobs could soon vanish, many new job opportunities related to drone deliveries could soon arrive.

2. Driverless cars in beta

Driverless cars are another unmanned and automated approach to delivery that companies are beginning to experiment with. Domino’s again is involved with this exciting delivery innovation. On August 30th, 2017, Domino’s started to experiment with self-driving pizza deliveries in its own hometown of Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Domino’s has partnered with Ford to use self-driving Ford Fusions to deliver pizzas to people around the city without drivers.

Because there are no drivers, no tips are required. To receive their pizza, customers have to walk up to the car and enter a four-digit code. After they enter the code, the back window roles down, and they can get their pizza out of a special heated container.

Domino’s is not the only company testing out driverless vehicles for delivery purposes. In fact, Ocado Technologies and Oxford University in England are working in collaboration to test small self-driving vans for grocery deliveries in the crowded streets of London. Oxford University is trying to create a car that will be emissions-free, in addition to delivering groceries autonomously.

3. One-hour delivery coming to your city, town or village

One-hour delivery, where possible, is extremely fast and can eliminate the days or weeks of shipping time that are often required for items purchased online.

Amazon is again leading the charge for one-hour delivery. The company now offers one-hour delivery in select major cities all over the U.S. and now into the UK and Canada for its Amazon Prime members.

Although this service is only available in a small number of cities, this amount will soon grow. This is especially true considering the fact that Amazon will be using drones more and more. Drones are not subject to traffic jams like cars are, so they have the potential to increase the speed at which items can be delivered. This is partially because drones can fly straight from point A to point B in many cases, barring buildings or other obstacles, since they do not need to follow winding roads.

So, essentially, drones could help bolster Amazon’s one-hour delivery and help to expand the service into suburban, or even rural areas.

Speedy one-hour shipping may become more common as other shippers and retailers try to keep pace with Amazon.

Revolutionizing the entire shipping industry

Between Canada and the United States, billions of packages are shipped every year. In today’s economy, customers want packages shipped faster, cheaper, and more efficiently. Delivery companies also want to reduce their delivery costs, while optimizing efficiency. The drive to create new delivery solutions is pushing companies to innovate at an impressive pace.

Delivery innovation is occurring so fast that five years from now the delivery landscape could look entirely different. Drones and self-driving cars could will automate vast portions of the delivery niche, while one-hour deliveries could make standard 5-7-day shipping periods look obsolete.

Amazon and Domino’s are two companies who are leading the charge for better delivery. This is not surprising considering that shipping is a key aspect of the business models for both of these businesses. In fact, Domino’s delivers more than 1.5 million pizzas every single day! The amount of packages that Amazon ships each day is very similar: roughly 1.6 million.

As these two major companies continue to innovate to reduce costs and improve shipping efficiency, the entire transport industry could change. The extent to which these new innovations will succeed and how much other companies follow suit is yet to be determined. But there is a high expectation that their innovations will be successful, and that many other companies will follow in their path.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the contributing author, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forum for International Trade Training.

Has your company changed the way you deliver goods? What will the next great shipping innovation be? Let us know in the comments below.

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Top 10 mobile apps that can help you manage your global business Tue, 08 Aug 2017 14:00:02 +0000 Young businesswoman stretching at her desk after a job well done

Regardless of current career status, most people today would consider their smartphone to be essential to their everyday lives. In fact studies have shown that we are rarely more than just a few feet from our mobile devices. Fortunately, there are some excellent mobile apps that can help you manage your global business and improve your international trade knowledge while on-the-go.

1. Speak and Translate

While having the power to write text and instantly have it translated out loud in a foreign language may sound like science fiction, this app has made it a reality. If you are travelling in a foreign country and do not know the local language, it may just become your best friend. The app lets you choose between a wide variety of languages, and it is very simple to use.

2. International Trade Dictionary

Imagine that you are in an important business meeting and someone uses an international trade term that you have never heard of. Don’t want to ask and potentially embarrass yourself? You can simply take out your mobile device and discreetly look it up. Problem solved. Reading this dictionary is also a great way to expand your international trade knowledge and vocabulary.

3. HS Code Handbook

This app provides information about distinct national customs codes from all around the world. If you run an international business, it is absolutely crucial to have a solid understanding of customs codes for the countries you will be importing from or exporting to. If you don’t, you could wind up making mistakes that could cost your company valuable time and money. This app can help you quickly learn the relevant customs codes that you need to know.

4. UPS Mobile

With this app, you can monitor and keep a close eye on all of your shipping information. Your international product shipments are valuable and cost boatloads of money to ship. The ability to monitor your cargo with precision can give you a much better understanding of the whereabouts of your products, as well as the peace of mind that comes with knowing your shipment is safely on its way.

5. Hopper

Hopper is a great app if you have to travel at all for business. It monitors ticket prices for airfare and lets you know when the prices are the lowest. You can also book flights right through the app. How convenient! If your company regularly books flights, this app could potentially save your business thousands of dollars.

6. Slack

Slack is an incredibly handy communication and file sharing app that has become immensely popular in the business world. It allows you to communicate with your entire team instantaneously, all from the convenience of your mobile device.

The crucial thing about Slack is that it almost functions like a chatroom. This makes it more convenient and feel more organized than simply cc’ing all of your colleagues on an email. It also has a much more elegant and sophisticated user experience than email. Using Slack can be ideal to help you to manage your teams remotely. Once you start using it, this may just become one of your favorite business tools.

7. HKTDC Mobile

Developed by the Hong Kong Trade and Development Council, this app provides important information needed by international vendors and buyers alike. It contains details about potential business connections, sourcing information, international market data, and more.

You never know what key piece of information will be able to help you establish an important client relationship or find a market opportunity. This app can give you access to the most important information you would need to do so, and can set you on your way to success.

8. RingCentral

RingCentral can be a real life saver when it comes to international calling. With this app, you can make U.S. calls and receive all of your voicemails completely for free as long as you are connected to Wi-Fi. So, if you know that you will have to be making a lot of international calls, or listening to voicemails, then this app can potentially save you the bother of paying for international roaming or getting a new plan while abroad.

9. Expensify

Business expenses are very important to keep track of so you can take advantage of all potential tax deductions and know how much you need to budget for these types of expenses in the future. Nobody wants to dig for receipts months later or incur the wrath of their finance department, so it’s important to find a way to track business expenses as they’re incurred.

Expensify makes it easy and convenient to keep track of your business expenses. Not only are they all listed in one place, but you can add them on the go – no more waiting to get back to your computer to update a spreadsheet. It even gives you the power to organize your business expenses based on specific categories, making it easier than ever to track your spending.

10. Business Behavior – The International Guide

Every nation has a different culture, and a different set of policies and guidelines for appropriate business behavior. When you are travelling abroad to meet with business contacts in a foreign country, the last thing you want to do is accidentally offend someone and potentially risk a fruitful business relationship.

With this handy guide, you can quickly research the etiquette recommendations for the nation that you are in. Then you can apply them to your situation and make sure that you are always behaving in a way that is culturally appropriate and respectful. This can go a long way towards improving your business relationships with overseas contacts and secure deals for your company.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the contributing author, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forum for International Trade Training. 
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