Angela Baker Blog for International Trade Experts Wed, 13 May 2020 20:40:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 33044879 5 secrets of aggressive sales on the B2B market Tue, 03 Dec 2019 13:52:23 +0000 B2B sales strategy

Trying to rise above your competitors, or at least stand shoulder to shoulder with them? An aggressive B2B sales strategy can help you expand brand awareness, reach out to more people, get new buyers, and show your professionalism.

Your B2B strategy can be your tool of choice, but it needs to be wisely planned out and structured to the smallest detail to ensure you gain and retain prospects. Today’s B2B market is filled with companies fearlessly fighting for every customer and every dollar. That’s why you need to up your game and ensure your B2B sales strategy is aggressive enough to keep you growing.

If you’re not sure how to perform aggressive B2B sales, don’t despair. We’ve got you covered. Here are 5 secrets of aggressive sales on the B2B market that you should start applying today.

1. Perform thorough research

Aggressive sales require having a clear aim with a strong likelihood for success.

Instead of investing considerable time and energy into contacting, calling, and reaching out to random businesses, you should be wiser about it.

It’s a much better idea to invest your energy and time into finding out which business might actually be in need of your services or products.

That’s why you should initiate the information gathering phase:

  • Doing basic research on companies
  • Learn about their needs and challenges
  • Find out who they’re cooperating with
  • Learn about their business strategies

Once you’re able to gather all of this information, you’ll be able to prioritize which companies to focus on with your sales moves.

By choosing a prospect that most likely actually needs what you’re offering, you’ll be able to apply aggressive sales techniques and win them over.

That’s why good preparation is essential for performing aggressive sales in the B2B market.

2. Be direct

An aggressive B2B sales process needs to be short and direct. The secret to success in an aggressive sales approach is to be as concise as possible and not leave your potential customers too much time to reconsider.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Make the process short and with as few phases as possible
  • Win the attention of potential prospects
  • Skip long speeches about company history or potential long-term collaboration
  • Make your offer as soon as possible

By cutting to the chase, you’ll be making a wise and aggressive proposal. Your prospect will see you as someone who is efficient, self-confident, and successful.

You’ll save their time and you’ll increase the chances of them wanting to buy from you.

3. Play hard to get

In B2B sales, you need to be at full disposal to your prospect and lead them step-by-step through the process of becoming your customer.

However, sometimes you need a different approach.

When you’re trying to close a deal, you’re in constant communication with the interested prospect. You call them or send an email and eagerly wait for their response. It’s no secret that half the times this communication ends with them not responding to your call or email.

That’s when you start showing signs of desperation and tell them you’re waiting for them, whenever they’re ready.

This is a mistake. Instead of sounding desperate and at their disposal, you need to take a more aggressive standpoint:

  • give them a timeframe for calling you back
  • say you have an offer which expires in 48 hours or so
  • stay polite and pleasant but let them know you have another prospect who might be interested in the same deal

This will place you in control and your message will actually make the prospect sit down and think about giving you a shot.

4. Challenge your prospects

Being aggressive in your B2B sales strategy doesn’t imply being pushy or over the top. However, it does imply pushing the right buttons with your prospects.

The truth is, most of your prospects are in their comfort zone and aren’t planning to leave it. Not even for achieving growth or potential improvement. This is exactly why they say no to you and refuse to think outside of the box.

With the right strategy, however, you can turn the tables on them by challenging their current modus operandi and demonstrating that change may in fact be their safest path forward:

  • Lay out the situation they’re in
  • Challenge it by pointing out to shortcomings
  • Predict potential problems for the future
  • Offer something different, unique, and game-changing

Make a brave move and give them a glimpse into their weaknesses, then offer a solution they can’t refuse.

5. Be a team

Finally, B2B sales are often seen as two parties on different sides of the court.

Although you are trying to convince a prospect to become a customer, make a purchase, or sign a deal, it shouldn’t be presented or performed as if you’re trying to win the game. Instead, there should be no losers, only winners.

That’s why you need to address your potential prospect as people close to you, and your business to make them feel like you’re both on the same side of the court.

Do this by:

  • Sharing ideas of mutual benefit
  • Talking about achieving goals together
  • Emphasizing collaboration and professional friendship

For example, if you’re reaching out to B2B leads with an introductory email before making a follow-up call, you should start this mutual grounds approach immediately. Make sure the email shows you’re both a piece of the same puzzle.

In addition, make sure your email and other written content are professional, proofread and flawless. Have them proofread by colleagues, or use tools or services such as Grammarly to help you achieve this.

Sometimes the safest move is to take a few risks

In the B2B market and sales, there’s no room for hesitation and playing safe. Your competitors will outplay you and you’ll be out of the game before you know it. Instead of sticking to the safe side, you should be playing it more aggressively.

Therefore, use the advice above to change your B2B sales strategy and start winning more prospects. Time is money, so start making those changes today.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the contributing author, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forum for International Trade Training.
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