Meghana Joshi, Author at Trade Ready Blog for International Trade Experts Tue, 30 Jul 2024 20:41:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 33044879 5 Canadian Trade Commissioners talk about their career success Wed, 21 Sep 2022 20:42:59 +0000 Canadian flags in a row hang outside of a building

Trade commissioners play a pivotal part in helping businesses navigate the complexities of researching, accessing and expanding into a new market. The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) and its globally stationed team of Trade Commissioners provides practical advice on foreign markets to help people working in international trade make better, more timely and cost-effective decisions to achieve their business goals.

The role of a trade commissioner is a highly specialized one as it entails equipping exporters with the knowledge and guidance they need to help their ventures to expand and thrive. In an ever-evolving global business landscape, where a myriad of factors impacts how trade progresses, it is imperative for these professionals to acquire a deep, well-rounded understanding of the various aspects of international trade.

For many years now, trade commissioners have been relying on FITTskills training to help them build a strong understanding of the full spectrum of international trade.  The globally recognized FITTskills courses develop holistic knowledge on the subject, along with providing practical, hands-on skills to tackle the day-to-day challenges and complexities that help these advisors understand the challenges their clients face. Earning the prestigious CITP designation – a validation of their expertise and commitment to international trade, marks a special milestone in their professional journey.

In this article, we highlight the career trajectory of 5 trade commissioners who share the insights they’ve gleaned from their professional experiences, and about the motivations and inspirations that have shaped their success.

Asmae Amrouche, Trade Commissioner, Embassy of Canada to Morocco and Mauritania

Asmae Amrouche, CITP headshot

Earned her elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: March 2021

What Asmae Amrouche loves about a career in international trade is that it gives her an opportunity to interact with people from diverse cultures. It gives her a special satisfaction to be working alongside her colleagues and counterparts in other missions, motivated by the same goals, interests and dreams.

Her first trade mission in 1998, which resulted in a Canadian company opening an office in Morocco, is one of her earliest accomplishments. Asmae has more recently been involved with the launch of the EduCanada fair in Morocco.

Asmae’s motto in life is to never stop learning. In keeping with that guiding principle, she opened her path to career progression by signing up for FITTskills online courses.

“It was an exciting and rewarding challenge which, along with imparting me with a deeper understanding of the nuances of international trade, also fostered a sense of belonging to a community of learners on a similar path as myself.”

Asmae feels honored to have earned the elite CITP designation and believes that the credibility and validation that it brings to her expertise will help her to further her professional goals.

Fabien Lichota, Trade Commissioner, Global Affairs Canada

Fabien Lichota, CITP Headshot

Earned his elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: September 2021

When Fabien Lichota was completing his MBA in International Management at Laval University in Quebec city, he decided to join a program called “Les missions commerciales de l’Université Laval” and was selected as a trade agent for the 2015-2016 cohort. At his first assignment, he was tasked with representing a Quebec-based maple syrup producer to explore the South Korean market. His work was so well appreciated that the company offered him another tenure, this time in Poland. There too, he successfully found two distributors for the firm he was representing.

“In the meantime, I re-involved myself in the Université Laval Trade Missions program and was selected as head of mission, where I coordinated and supported 13 trade agents to complete their very own mission in South Africa. It was an amazing experience and a first shot at managing such a large team abroad!”

Upon completing his studies, Fabien joined the Trade Commissioner Service at Global Affairs Canada.

“Travelling all around the world during my studies, working in trade, as well as making numerous contacts abroad and working closely with the TCS abroad gave me the motivation to pursue my career in that field.”

Representing a Canadian company in Poland, where Fabien is originally from, was truly a dream come true for him.

“Doing business in Polish (in my parent’s homeland) and selling maple syrup (a Canadian flagship product) was probably the coolest thing I’ve done.”

Fabien’s proudest accomplishment by far is being selected as Head of Mission for South Africa where he supported 13 new international trade professionals through their journey for the span of a whole year.

Reminiscing on his professional journey so far, if there’s one learning Fabien would like to pass on to others just starting out, it would be to work hard and never take anything for granted.
“It’s important to gain trust and make a name for yourself.”

The logical next step towards advancing his career was earning the CITP designation – an elite benchmark of excellence for international trade professionals.

Today, as the proud holder of the CITP designation, Fabien feels that all his hard work and varied experiences across sectors has been validated. He is confident that the credential will bring exciting opportunities  and challenges his way in the years ahead.

“I think that I’d like to be seen as a hard-working individual; resilient, ambitious, dynamic and results orientated. I hope that this designation will also give me the tools to better accomplish my day-to-day work and will help me grow in the international trade space.”

Gabriel Bastien, Senior Advisor International Trade & Economics, Global Affairs, Canada

Gabriel Bastien, CITP Headshot

Earned his elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: June 2022

Gabriel Bastien’s interest in international trade was whetted when he decided to travel to Egypt in 2013, while at university. This decision was prompted by a desire to move outside of his comfort zone and experience what it’s like to live and work in a foreign country, and to be exposed to a different culture and environment.

It was in Egypt that he got an opportunity to absorb and marvel at the diversity in our world, which added much depth to his perspectives. Through this experience Gabriel first grasped the full magnitude of the inter-connections of trade, social sciences, and geopolitical spheres.

“This experience truly turned my life around and upon my return in knee-deep January snow, I oriented my life towards a different path which made me who I am today.”

Gabriel then went on to complete his undergraduate degree in Commerce from Concordia University (John Molson School of Business), a Master’s degree in International Business from HEC Montreal and a certificate in Public Policy Analysis from the London School of Business (LSE). He also had the opportunity to work at the U.S. Consulate in Montreal in the trade division and refined his awareness for international trade and relations by getting actively involved with the Model United Nations’ competitions.

One of Gabriel’s most fulfilling professional achievement to date is his involvement with the Canadian Technology Accelerator Program (CTA), with the Trade Commissioner Service, Global Affairs Canada. The CTA program connects innovative Canadian tech SMEs with partners in global innovation hubs, accelerating their growth and their understanding of the markets.

“Some of the proudest accomplishments stem from seeing, reading or hearing some of our program participants (Canadian SMEs/Startups) talk about how our CTA program and the Trade Commissioner Service has helped them achieve success.  These are the real gems that we’re after as Trade Commissioners, and it makes it all worth it.”

A nugget of wisdom Gabriel would like to share is to “go out into the world and expand your horizons”. Although it’s by no means an easy task, it’s most certainly worth it, as it broadens the mind and forces one to understand new perspectives in life.

“You will gain a valuable, challenging experience which will result in tremendous personal growth as a person and as a human being. Dare to try it.”

Despite having a solid academic background in international trade, Gabriel was seeking practical, hands-on knowledge on the day-to-day processes in the various aspects of conducting business globally, which prompted him to sign up for FITTskills training.

“I think this training is definitely proving valuable for me, especially when strategizing on the type of program or steps a Canadian SME could/should take. As a result, I feel closer to Canadian entrepreneurs and can better comprehend the type of struggles they might experience with say, foreign banks, or suppliers.”

Gabriel particularly enjoyed the International Trade Finance course as it methodically explained the different types of financial risks and payment considerations for both an exporter and an importer.

Earning the CITP designation was a culmination of his efforts towards achieving validated expertise in international trade. It’s indeed a special milestone, as it adds credibility to Gabriel’s skills, experience and credentials as a knowledgeable and committed international trade practitioner.

He now looks forward to utilizing this complementary knowledge in his new role as Senior Advisor International Trade & Economics under the Latin America and Caribbean branch at Global Affairs Canada.

Want to learn more about the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP®|FIBP®) designation? See why it’s the world’s most recognized designation for competency and credibility in global business.

Prashanth Nair, Trade Commissioner – Digital Industries, Global Affairs Canada.


Earned his elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: Nov 2021

It was a happy accident that kickstarted Prashanth Nair’s journey into international trade. While heading the CRM implementation for Hutch (now Vodafone) for the North Indian Market, he got a call from a leading HR consultant asking if he would be interested in the position of Telecom Head with the British High Commission in New Delhi.

It was the persistence of the recruiter that lead Prashanth to agree to do the interview, and after the third round, he found that he really liked the dynamic role of an international trade executive that was being offered to him. There has been no turning back since then.

In his professional journey so far, Prashanth has been interacted with prime ministers, premiers, and head of states. These interactions have left an indelible mark and motivated him to further accelerate his international trade development objectives. His favourite career stories include working on numerous projects that have enabled businesses to grow and thrive.

“The exposure and connections my profile has provided has helped me develop, not only as a strong trade professional, but also a well rounded human being.”

Prashanth is particularly proud of his role in two projects that he holds dear to his heart. The first is de-escalating a business dispute for a leading Canadian handset manufacturer in India, which saved the company from a potential closure.

The other achievement is playing an instrumental part in securing the first client in the Indian market for a leading UK based telecom operator.

Prashanth believes that networking is a crucial skill for international trade professionals as it can open many paths and perspectives that you never knew existed.

The other vital advice he wishes to emphasize is to never underestimate the potential of any company as people will most likely end up pleasantly surprising you with their enterprising strategies and innovative spirit.

Seeking to formalize his knowledge of international trade, Prashanth began his journey with FITTskills training a few years ago. However, the unusual global circumstances of the last couple of years affected his momentum and he finally completed the training earlier this year.

“I am very happy with the way this journey has been for my learning experience. My favourite course was International Trade Finance as it taught me a lot of practical and actionable finance-related knowledge for my international trade profile.”

Prashanth went on to apply for the CITP designation and is proud and ecstatic to add the coveted title to his name and to join a community of well-respected and networked trade professionals.

I believe the designation will further build credibility with my international clients and help me apply the knowledge I have acquired through the certification and put it for better results on all my professional endeavours.”

Waqas Yousafzai, Trade Commissioner, Global Affairs Canada

Waqas-Yousafzai CITP Headshot

Earned his elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: December 2021

Born and raised in Qatar, amid an extremely diverse peer group, Waqas Yousafzai would often notice his classmates returning from vacations abroad with a host of items and products from across the globe. The colours, textures, styles and languages fascinated him, and he knew from that moment on that he would love to pursue a career in international trade as it helps the world connect, learn, celebrate and appreciate its diverse self.

“Today, I consider myself very fortunate to work as a Canadian Trade Commissioner with the mandate to bring Canadian products and services to the world.”

Highlights from Waqas’ favourite career stories include attending the Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition & Conference (DIMDEX) and the thirteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XIII) in Qatar.

In the first of these, he got the unique opportunity to tour 13 warships from 10 navies from around the world, where he learned about the future of defense systems from supply chain experts.

“Being on an active duty on USS Pearl Harbour with assault amphibious vehicles, landing craft air cushions, Humvees, and all its defensive and offensive capabilities was incredible to witness in person.”

The other experience was just as enriching as it entailed being present on the ground to report on and see multi lateral trade diplomacy in action at UNCTAD. That’s where Waqas could truly appreciate the complexity of international negotiations. The conference consisted of delegates from 195 states, speaking hundreds of languages with each stakeholder group coming to the table with their own specific mandates, priorities, and collaboration styles.

Waqas’ noteworthy career accomplishment consists of the time he was a part of Canada’s official development assistance to Mongolia, to train the Mongolian wool and cashmere firms in Ulaanbaatar on trade show and exhibition attendance, intercultural communications, and contract negotiation best practices. The training was a great success. The Mongolian firms then headed to Tokyo and New York to find distributors in those markets.

“It was a very rewarding to build a team of export executives at a nuts and bolts level (think trade booth flow, contact follow-up, and demonstrating product samples and customizability)”.

Waqas wishes he knew before-hand how multi-layered and multi-faceted international trade actually is. Today he can truly appreciate the many ways one can be involved in international trade, from trade policy to logistics to financing to trade shows, from supplier agreements to contract negotiations and market analysis.

To further his professional development, Waqas signed up for instructor-led FITTskills training. He found his instructor to be “top notch” and the FITT course content to be detailed and thorough.

“Post-completion, I still find myself referring to specific modules and notes to get a more wholesome understanding of a specific pain point before doing client follow up work. The modular nature of the courses meant that all the learnings from one module complemented and fed into other modules. The real life examples also provided for rich discussion.”

Waqar’s motivation to earn the CITP designation was to be able to demonstrate his commitment to excellence in international trade, and to connect with other designation holders and be a part of the larger network of CITPs around the world. Today, he feels proud at having completed the entire process to achieve the designation in just over 8 months.

“I foresee the CITP designation playing a key role in my future career as it helps demonstrate that I have a level of international trade proficiency.”

Asmae, Fabien, Gabriel, Prashanth and Waqas, each have fascinating stories to tell. But what’s common to them all is their talent, commitment to further the cause of international trade, and the willingness to do what it takes to keep growing professionally. Now equipped with a full spectrum or trade knowledge and a globally recognized designation beside their names, they are ready to advise their clients to find success in their exporting journeys.

Want to connect with Rahim?

LinkedIn: Rahim Mohtaram

Learn more about the CITP®|FIBP® designation


Advance your career and build your professional credibility in the field of global business by earning the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation.

Why Earn the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Designation?

The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation is the world’s leading professional designation for the field of international business. So whether you’re new to global trade or have over a decade of direct experience, you’ll find the CITP designation can help advance your career and build your professional credibility.

The CITP designation sets you apart in the competitive international business industry because it’s proof you possess the competencies global business experts have identified as being essential for a successful career in international trade. It also recognizes your dedication to ethical business practices and ongoing professional development—both of which are desirable traits for today’s global business practitioners.

*Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) is trademarked for use within Canada. FITT International Business Professional (FIBP) is trademarked for use internationally. Both reflect the same FITT-certified designation. 

Click here to take the next steps to your CITP designation

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CITP Spotlight: Julien Rosan – Trade Commissioner, Global Affairs Canada Tue, 14 Jun 2022 20:03:48 +0000
Earned his elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: April 2022

Julian Rosen CITP standing in front of Chicago skyline

Born and raised in Paris, Julien Rosan had two passions while growing uptraveling and playing Monopoly—both inseparably linked to the intriguing world of international trade. Little did he know then that his fascinations would soon transform into an exciting career that would take him across the world.  

Julien went on to obtain a master’s degree in international trade administration along with a master’s in business administration in marketing and got his first work experience in Europe, North America, and Australia. His career has taken him far away from his native France, and today he works for the Government of Canada in the United States. 

Successfully rising to challenges early on in his career

Julian Rosen outside the Sydney Opera House during his first job in Australia
Julien Rosan outside the Sydney Opera House during his first job in Australia

After just a few days in his new job after moving to Chicago, Julien happened to bump into the CEO who asked if he would be able to secure his first deal by the end of that month. 

I had no clue if I could deliver on this promise, but I confidently stated, “For sure!”. Lucky me, and my French, I was able to sign a brand-new account from Quebec on the very last day of the month.’


Another notable occasion when Julien’s innate problem-solving skills came to the fore was while he was part of an official, high-level diplomatic delegation to meet with the executive leadership of one of the world’s largest healthcare corporations.

The situation became complicated when just a few hours before the meeting, a health scandal broke out, making allegations against the company they were scheduled to meet with. As this triggered an immediate public reaction from the Minister of Health back home, the onus was on Julien to navigate the sticky situation.

Displaying exceptional stress management skills, he delivered a last-minute confidential briefing to officials on this sensitive issue, thus successfully managing to ease the tensions and move forward smoothly with the proceedings. 

A moment of pride

When nominated for the Emerging Leaders Program of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Julien had the chance to analyze global issues with his peers and meet with thought leaders, foreign officials, and policymakers. The highlight of this program was attending the Chicago Council’s Centennial Celebration honoring President Barack Obama and Yo-Yo Ma. 

Want to learn more about the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP®|FIBP®) designation? See why it’s the world’s most recognized designation for competency and credibility in global business.

Julien’s advice to the newbies: The importance of networking can never be over-emphasized

Julien Rosen CITP doing a business presentation in France
Julien Rosan CITP doing a presentation to the French-American Chamber of Commerce in Detroit, Michigan

At the beginning of his career, Julien relied on his knowledge and interpersonal skills to find a job, or to move to the United States. But during the course of his career, he has come to understand how crucial it is to network, seek referrals, and build professional relationships. Nowadays when he receives LinkedIn requests from students seeking advice or internship connections, he makes it a point to remain as approachable and helpful as ever.

I love this proactive approach and always keep my door open as I can see myself in them 10 years ago.”

International trade training that kept him on his toes

Julien already had 10 years of professional experience before he earned his FITT Diploma. However, he chose to sign up for FITTskills courses as he knew the training would help polish his existing knowledge and equip him with practical, real-world insights.

The online exam questions – combining critical thinking and real-world case studies – kept me on my toes.”

My favorite FITTskills course was International Market Entry Strategies as I have a personal affinity for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). I also appreciated the Intercultural Competence module included in this course.” 

A desire to formalize his knowledge and experience

As a Trade Commissioner working for Global Affairs Canada, Julien wanted to pursue a certification that would help him excel in his position, and that would be highly valued within his organization. He applied for the prestigious, industry-recognized CITP®|FIBP® designation which he earned in April 2022. The addition of this valued credential to his professional portfolio gave him a sense of achievement and satisfaction. 

Julien looks forward to leveraging the distinguished designation to continue to excel in his career and to contribute to furthering the cause of international trade.  

His talent, knowledge, and rich experience in his field have set the stage for greater successes and an ever-soaring professional trajectory in the years to come. 

Want to connect with Julien?

LinkedIn: Julien Rosan

Learn more about the CITP®|FIBP® designation


Advance your career and build your professional credibility in the field of global business by earning the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation.

Why Earn the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Designation?

The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation is the world’s leading professional designation for the field of international business. So whether you’re new to global trade or have over a decade of direct experience, you’ll find the CITP designation can help advance your career and build your professional credibility.

The CITP designation sets you apart in the competitive international business industry because it’s proof you possess the competencies global business experts have identified as being essential for a successful career in international trade. It also recognizes your dedication to ethical business practices and ongoing professional development—both of which are desirable traits for today’s global business practitioners.

*Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) is trademarked for use within Canada. FITT International Business Professional (FIBP) is trademarked for use internationally. Both reflect the same FITT-certified designation. 

Click here to take the next steps to your CITP designation

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CITP Spotlight: Gaukhar Kydrykhanova, Trade Commissioner, Embassy of Canada in Kazakhstan Wed, 23 Mar 2022 16:01:44 +0000
Earned her elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: Oct 2021

Gaukhar Kydrykhanova’s fascination with international trade began when, as a thirteen-year-old, she developed an interest in the problems caused by illicit cross-border trade. This spurred her to devote many of her initial years as a student to doing intensive research on the issue of international drug trafficking.  

“I learned about the important impact that international trade is making on the regional development and reduced transnational crime. But research was not enough. I wanted to bring in practical change.” 

Gaukhar earned the Presidential Scholarship to complete her Master’s program from the University of Birmingham, UK. Upon her return to Kazakhstan from the UK, she was recommended by the scholarship administration team to be considered for an expert job role at the Kazakhstani Ministry of Industry and Trade. Gaukhar joined Kazakhstan’s WTO accession team on a cold February day, which marked the beginning of an incredible career full of exciting adventures and interesting discoveries.   

Playing a lead role in organizing the women leadership initiative 

Women’s leadership is an essential topic in both Canada and Kazakhstan. Therefore, it was a matter of pride for Gaukhar to allocate her efforts and resources to plan and organize a visit with prominent women in business and female policy-makers from Canada. It was equally fulfilling to see well-known and inspiring women from Kazakhstan come to the event in huge numbers to support the round-table discussions. What followed was a series of illuminating speeches, debates, and an exchange of ideas centered around women’s leadership in Canada and Kazakhstan.  

“Many of the interactions went on to result in interesting projects. But, more importantly, I witnessed a broader change in the wider public consciousness that continues the trend towards progressive and inclusive transformation.” 

Another exciting task she was involved in was building a project with the British Gas company. It was a complex and impactful learning experience as supporting large transnational corporations required a meticulous, all-around approach.  

Gaukhar Kydrykhanova, CITP speaking

Facilitating many official visits from Canadian ministers to Kazakhstan 

With Canadian-Kazhakstani relations having significantly expanded over the last decade in multiple sectors, such as IT, Fintech, consumer goods, life sciences, and many others, Gaukhar feels proud to have been a part of this growth. She has played an instrumental role in facilitating many official visits of Canadian ministers to Kazhakstan. Coordinating these visits was often a challenge as it entailed multitasking, attention to detail, strong analytical, organizational, and troubleshooting skills. 

These experiences encouraged her to tap deeper into potential and grow professionally.  

“A few years ago, I was selected for an assignment in the regional offices in Canada. I had an exclusive chance to get exposure to the work delivered by the regional offices in several provinces across Canada. It was an interesting project that has helped me to learn about and take part in the processes that are developed in Canada, before clients’ expansion to the export markets.” 

Follow your inspiration in International Trade 

In her fifteen years of experience in the profession, Gaukhar has learned to persevere in the face of difficulties and always to have faith in her abilities. Her valuable nugget of advice to those just starting their careers is to believe in their talents and face the challenges head-on with confidence and determination. 

International Business training that honed her inter-cultural skills 

Also, coming from a country that is home to diverse cultures, Gaukhar has had vast experience in dealing with people from varied backgrounds. However, taking the FITTskills courses helped her broaden her knowledge on the different cultures and equipped her with the practical skills to hone her interpersonal abilities.  

“I now feel empowered in facilitating more CSR projects and bringing my stakeholders to a new level of success.” 

Understanding international trade finance from a new perspective

Although she found each of the FITTskills courses informative and illuminating, her favourite is the “International Trade Finance” course, as international banking has always been a topic of particular interest for her. The course helped her develop a better understanding of the work that she had been facilitating for many years in partnership with her colleagues from Export Development Canada. 

“This course has helped me understand the processes from the perspective of a bank officer. My interactions and meetings with EDC colleagues in Ottawa, close in-person work with my colleagues from EDC in Moscow, and this course have helped me to understand the perspective of an international banker.” 

Learn how to properly manage your cash flow and mitigate financial risk by selecting appropriate transaction methods and tools for international trade activities. It’s all in the FITTskills online International Trade Finance course.
International Trade Finance Course FITTskills EDC x FITT Banner

Becoming a part of a community with shared professional interests, values, and passions 

Gaukhar decided to formalize her knowledge and expertise in international trade by applying for the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation, a globally recognized competency benchmark for business professionals. It would allow her to both learn from a vast network of seasoned international trade professionals and share her own expertise culminated from her decade and a half-long tenure in the profession. 

When Gaukhar’s application was approved in October 2022, she felt truly honoured to join this elite group. Not only would she stay up-to-date with the latest business skills and industry-leading knowledge, but it would grant her greater professional credibility on a new global level. 

“It felt like an important milestone opening the door to take part in connecting with like-minded counterparts, who just like me are deeply passionate in international trade, developing and sharing the best approaches and practices of our profession.” 

Spurred on by her achievement of earning the prestigious designation, Gaukhar is excited at the prospect of new business opportunities coming her way. The credential also inspires her to take on a new level of responsibility and understanding while approaching her clients. It is motivating her to work harder on all her projects. 

We’re excited to see Gaukhar forge ahead with confidence and determination, scaling new heights of success as she achieves all the goals she has set for herself—and more! 

Want to connect with Gaukhar?

LinkedIn: Gaukhar Kydrykhanova

Learn more about the CITP®|FIBP® designation


Advance your career and build your professional credibility in the field of global business by earning the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation.

Why Earn the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Designation?

The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation is the world’s leading professional designation for the field of international business. So whether you’re new to global trade or have over a decade of direct experience, you’ll find the CITP designation can help advance your career and build your professional credibility.

The CITP designation sets you apart in the competitive international business industry because it’s proof you possess the competencies global business experts have identified as being essential for a successful career in international trade. It also recognizes your dedication to ethical business practices and ongoing professional development—both of which are desirable traits for today’s global business practitioners.

*Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) is trademarked for use within Canada. FITT International Business Professional (FIBP) is trademarked for use internationally. Both reflect the same FITT-certified designation. 

Click here to take the next steps to your CITP designation

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FITT completes six-month pilot of virtual global mentorship program Thu, 06 Jan 2022 15:24:36 +0000 FITT completes six-month pilot of virtual global mentorship program

One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination – John. C. Maxwell

Advisor, friend, motivator, role model—a mentor is different things to different people. For some, mentorship is about seeking guidance and learning from the experience of those who’ve been there and done that. For others, it’s all about finding their strength and becoming aware of an inner potential they never knew existed.

It was precisely with this aim that FITT launched its first Global Mentorship Pilot Program in June 2021. As a global standard for international trade training and certification, FITT has among members of its community a plethora of accomplished Certified International Trade Professionals (CITPs)* who are experts in their respective niches and possess a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. Leveraging the skills and experience of these seasoned CITPs to illuminate the paths of aspiring international trade professionals was the driving force behind this pilot mentorship program from FITT.

A unique project that fueled a larger cause

Not only would this initiative offer students, aspiring entrepreneurs, and other like-minded individuals in international business an opportunity to access personal, holistic, and continuing guidance from experienced CITPs, but would also help build a more engaged, recognized, and valuable global CITP community that is actively giving back to the field of international trade.

What it entailed

The mentorship program consisted of a six-month virtual interaction between 5 pairs of selected mentees and CITP mentors. The candidates were selected based on their applications, and the mentors and mentees were then matched based on experience, goals, networks, application questions etc. Each of the matched mentee and mentor pairs decided the frequency of their virtual interactions throughout the six months and responded to monthly feedback about the progress of their mentorship opportunity.

A project team consisting of CITP volunteers was established to support and oversee the program while continuously improving the mentorship experience. Their contribution in volunteering their time and efforts to help organize this program has been pivotal to taking this project from conceptualization to a successful launch.

Meet our CITP mentors

FITT completes six-month pilot of virtual global mentorship program

An experience that exceeded expectations

The six months passed by like a breeze, and the pilot mentorship program soon approached its conclusion. This was an excellent time to ask the participants to reflect on the mentorship experience and the value these interactions had added to their professional repertoire.

Much to the satisfaction and delight of the organizers, the feedback received to FITT’s pilot mentorship program more than validated the myriad benefits of mentorship and mentoring.

Here’s what the participants had to say:

“The main reasons why I applied to the FITT mentorship program were the invaluable support that I would receive from a mentor, and because I trusted FITT to match me with the mentor that was the perfect fit for the needs that I had at the moment, which was to enter the Mexican restaurant market with our digital loyalty program”

“The results have surpassed my expectations.”

–  Jose Manuel Torio (mentee)

‘I came into the mentorship program with an open mind and desire to have an organic approach with my mentor. We had set some topic of interest for each meet. My mentor delivered resourceful information each time, our topics would always lead to some great discussions. My mentor’s business experience and background were most inspirational, she was able to give me not only valid tips and resources, most importantly she inspired me to push forward in international business.”

 – Emmanuelle Atsain (mentee)

Access to timely and expert mentorship is a dream come true for many

An experienced mentor facilitates the opening of unseen doors of possibilities for their mentees, thus proving to be the catalyst that steers them towards success.

“My mentor was Floyd Simpkins, and he was beyond professional, kind and thoughtful in every meeting we had. Floyd not only understood my professional path but also, taught me how to create an action plan for my personal and professional goals. My mentor shared valuable life experiences with me, and he gave me great advice on how to deal with some setbacks I went through a couple of months ago. I can’t thank FITT and Floyd enough for this fantastic opportunity.”

 – Valeria Mayorga (mentee)

An opportunity to receive individual guidance from a seasoned professional not only facilitates mentees’ paths towards the accomplishment of their goals but also results in positive personal development.

The greatest advantage of having access to a trusted mentor is developing the ability to recognize one’s strength—thus leading to increased self-awareness and enhanced self-confidence.

Doing international business can be quite complex…, having the support of an experienced mentor is an invaluable asset to succeed in one’s endeavors.

 – Jose Manuel Torio (mentee)

“The three most valuable insights that I gained from my mentor are: to never let an opportunity slide or someone else will take it, It’s ok to be the only woman in the conference room, and that it’s important to stay current with politics as whom one votes for reflects with trade agreements.”

 – Emmanuelle Atsain (mentee)


The enthusiastic support of the CITP volunteers from the planning committee

The CITP volunteers who were a part of the planning committee have played a major role in shaping and building this pilot endeavour. Their enthusiastic support in giving back to the CITP community has helped open the doors for aspiring business professionals, leading them closer to achieving their goals.

The experience of being on this committee was very rewarding as it introduced me to some very talented people who were all very dedicated to delivering a program that would meet the professional development needs of its members and potential members of FITT.  It is a very humbling but worthwhile experience. You learn so much and grow personally through this experience, and I feel that I have made new friends and mentors of my own by getting to know the other team members. I look forward to participating in any future iterations of this initiative. I also wholeheartedly encourage and recommend participation in this initiative to my fellow members in FITT.

Raymond G. Joyce, CITP, member of the Mentorship Program Project Team.


Mentorship—a win-win for both the mentee and mentor

What’s fascinating about mentorship is that both mentor and mentee stand to gain from the unique relationship between them. For our CITP mentors, the mentorship experience proved to be a fulfilling one as it gave them an opportunity to contribute first-hand to help shape their mentee’s professional journey.

The rewards are subtle, yet profound, in having a potentially positive impact on a young professional’s future, in work and life.  At the end of the day, I have every confidence in my mentee’s determination and ability to achieve her goals in the future, and I wish her every success.

 – Floyd Simpkins, CITP (mentor)

“Though both, mentor and mentee, had established clear objectives about the program development, I believe the outcome went further in terms of expertise-sharing and learning. My mentee shared many ideas and concerns about how to best develop his international business strategy. His openness taught me a lot about his efforts to be a more effective business manager. In exchange, I believe I was able to provide him with insights and some advice to guide his work. I found the whole process satisfying, which led to an excellent personal rapport.”

I found in this program an opportunity to add more value to the international business profession in general. I´d like to thank my mentee for his trust and sincerity, as well as FITT’s pilot mentorship program for leading this initiative.

 – Guillermo Larios, CITP (mentor)

Besides the fulfillment of being able to “give back,” mentoring someone sharpens communication skills and offers exposure to a wide range of situations and perspectives, thus helping broaden the scope of knowledge for mentors as well.

The three most valuable insights that I gained from the program are:

1) As a mentor you need to be ready for any possible change or twist in the life of your mentee – and have the experience and knowledge to guide a mentee through whatever challenges they may face in their life and their work.

2) Patience and consideration are important attributes of a mentor

3) Much of the program’s success depends upon the choice of mentee – and based upon my limited experience, FITT chose well.”

 – Floyd Simpkins, CITP (mentor)

FITT’s pilot mentorship program has undoubtedly succeeded in setting in motion the wheels of a wonderful endeavour—creating a channel that connects aspiring entrepreneurs with the experienced wisdom they need to help them realize their goals and ambitions of a lifetime. We look forward to this program gaining momentum and completing several fruitful iterations in the years ahead.

Sign up to the FITT newsletter to be notified about upcoming mentorship opportunities and to stay current with the latest trends and jobs in international business.

*Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) is trademarked for use within Canada. FITT International Business Professional (FIBP) is trademarked for use internationally. Both reflect the same FITT-certified designation.

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CITP Spotlight: Maxime Anselme Laleye, Export Trade Specialist Wed, 10 Nov 2021 19:57:12 +0000
Earned his elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: June 2021

As far back as he can remember, Maxime Anselme Laleye had envisioned a career in international trade. Initially, his goal was to sell manufactured agricultural products across borders. After completing his Bachelor’s in Business Management at Ecole Nationale d’Economie Appliquée et de Management, Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Benin, and gathering a few years of professional experience, he decided to enroll in a master’s in business management program in the same school. 

My objective was to develop an analytical capacity to be able to solve entrepreneurial problems and understand the opportunities that a company could seize, both in the national and regional markets.”

His interest in international markets and the ban on small Beninese companies from marketing seafood in European markets spurred his research work for his master’s degree that entailed analyzing the complexity of regulations that governed the continuous supply of products to international markets. 

This set the trajectory for his career in global trade as he found his niche in guiding small and medium-sized enterprises/industries on how to seize opportunities in international markets. 

Recommending solutions that helped boost international purchases 

While working as a Head of Administrative Service in a company where a large part of the activities was import-oriented, his CEO asked him to form a team to collaborate with an external purchasing consultant. Maxime then came up with a well-researched document that recommended solutions to translate the objectives of the collaboration into measurable actions. His efforts were immensely appreciated, and he was publicly applauded by the top management, which also resulted in an upgrade to his professional responsibilities. 

Contributing his skills to the design of a unique project 

Maxime’s proudest professional accomplishment happened when he was working as Marketing and Sales Manager in a company that designed and manufactured light equipment for processing agricultural products like cashew nuts and palm nuts. These production processes greatly increased the volume of goods customers were able to manufacture. He began by collecting information on regional markets and succeeded in identifying a few niches of captive markets. 

This is when his skills were called upon to contribute to the design of the “Project for the popularization of construction techniques and the use of light agricultural product processing equipment”—a project that aimed to: 

  • improve the arduousness of artisanal transformation processes through the popularization of construction techniques and the use of semi-mechanized processing equipment for agricultural products (cassava, palm nuts, cashews, etc.)
  • strengthen the marketing of goods to improve the income of small and medium-sized enterprises

The rewarding aspect of this project was getting to analyze and identify regional captive markets and offering turnkey project solutions:

Providing high value-added solutions that improve the manufacturing practices of small and medium-sized enterprises and seeking regional market opportunities that increase the income of manufacturers and vulnerable layers is rewarding and empowering.” 

Find a happy middle ground that satisfies all parties 

Maxime believes that each market and every customer has its own set of constraints and specificities; nothing is concrete until a transaction is completed to the satisfaction of all stakeholders. Therefore, although the process of settling an international transaction can be very laborious, he recommends ensuring the conformity of all commercial documents and building a relationship of trust with the stakeholders. 

Maxime’s favourite FITTskills course 

That’s a difficult question to answer, but I’d say my favourite is “Products and Services for a Global Market.” 

Learn how to adapt your products and services to the regulations and requirements for selling in international markets. Learn how to adapt and conform your products and services to different regulatory, legal, cultural, and consumer/client requirements in international markets with the online FITTskills course, Products & Services for a Global Market.

Creating trust and establishing business relationships with a designation that spells excellence 

Maxime had been aiming to earn the elite CITP | FIBP designation since 2012 to be able to truly embody all that it stands for. Being conferred with the designation is the culmination of a goal that he had envisioned for himself almost a decade ago.  

It is a feeling of accomplishment. I am proud to belong to this elite groupAs a CITP, I am an asset to any organization with which I can interact

Maxime now looks to expand his expertise to newer horizons. He is confident that his qualifications and credentials will lead him to exciting opportunities in Canada within the international trade finance industry, where he could gainfully use his skills to help companies go global. 

With his single-minded focus and keen business acumen, Maxime is all set to expand his horizons to limitless possibilities. 

Want to connect with Maxime?

LinkedIn: Maxime Anselme Laleye

Learn more about the CITP®|FIBP® designation


Advance your career and build your professional credibility in the field of global business by earning the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation.

Why Earn the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Designation?

The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation is the world’s leading professional designation for the field of international business. So whether you’re new to global trade or have over a decade of direct experience, you’ll find the CITP designation can help advance your career and build your professional credibility.

The CITP designation sets you apart in the competitive international business industry because it’s proof you possess the competencies global business experts have identified as being essential for a successful career in international trade. It also recognizes your dedication to ethical business practices and ongoing professional development—both of which are desirable traits for today’s global business practitioners.

*Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) is trademarked for use within Canada. FITT International Business Professional (FIBP) is trademarked for use internationally. Both reflect the same FITT-certified designation.

**Note: This represents one of the current pathways to the CITP. Based on FITT’s application for ISO 17024 accreditation, this process will change as of January 1, 2023

Click here to take the next steps to your CITP designation

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CITP Spotlight: Subha Sundarajan, Trade Commissioner at Global Affairs Canada Wed, 20 Oct 2021 18:37:54 +0000
Earned her elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: July 2021

It was a short-term summer job way back in 1993 that introduced Subha Sundarajan to the fascinating world of international trade. To gain some work experience before starting her post-graduate study, she joined the British Embassy in Chennai, India, to fill a six-week temporary vacancy. That brief tenure gave her a taste of the kind of work the commercial sector was involved in and it spurred her on to equip herself with the skills necessary for a career in international trade. 

Subha completed an MBA, a Diploma in Export Management and also obtained an Advanced Certificate in International Trade from the Institute of Export, UK. Through her career journey spanning 28 years, she has worked on a range of sectors including agribusiness, automotive, clean technologies, infrastructure, ICT, life sciences, oil & gas, forestry, etc for British and Canadian clients. 

Playing a pivotal role in resolving a two-year payment dispute 

Business disputes are an inevitable part of international trade and that’s where problem-solving skills come into play. Subha’s favourite career story consists of the time she helped an SME to rightfully get back the dues owed to them. Products had been supplied for a project in a third market by a Canadian company and they were unsuccessful in receiving payment for over 2 years.  

“The client approached me for help as the HQ of their customer was based in India. Finding the right connection and approach resulted in getting dues settled in a couple of months. The client was an SME and would not have stayed in business without this payment.”


Providing end-to-end support for a multi-million dollar auto industry project in Chennai

Subha’s proudest professional accomplishment includes managing a project consisting of an investment of CAD 200 million in an auto-industry venture. The scope of her work ranged from getting approvals to setting up three manufacturing facilities, identifying potential partners, offering advice on leveraging funding, and problem-solving to meet deadlines for the commencement of production. 

International business best-practice—always cross-check facts 

A valuable nugget of wisdom gathered from Subha’s long and rich repertoire of experience in international trade is to double-check and confirm all information received, leaving no room for any assumptions. This proves to be a critical point especially while dealing with business disputes. 

“Acting on incomplete or inaccurate information can be disastrous.” 

Validating decades of work experience by earning a global credential 

Knowing that she already had the requisite experience and qualifications to be considered an expert in her field, Subha wished to progress her professional profile to the next level. She believed that the  CITP®|FIBP® designation would give her clients added confidence in her abilities to provide support to their business. The application process also offered her an opportunity to brush up her skills in international trade. Subha earned the prestigious, globally recognized designation in July 2021. 

“I feel the CITP adds to my professional credibility. Interactions with Canadian clients are mostly online, and I feel the CITP is a brand that is recognized by clients for excellence in professional skills and the ability to understand their business requirements. It highlights my capability to provide high-quality service.”

With a wealth of knowledge and experience in international trade, Subha already has a plethora of achievements to her credit. Now equipped with a designation that vouches for her expertise, there is no limit to how high her career graph is set to soar.  

Want to connect with Subha?

LinkedIn: Subha Sundarajan

Twitter: @subhasundarajan

Learn more about the CITP®|FIBP® designation


Advance your career and build your professional credibility in the field of global business by earning the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation.

Why Earn the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Designation?

The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation is the world’s leading professional designation for the field of international business. So whether you’re new to global trade or have over a decade of direct experience, you’ll find the CITP designation can help advance your career and build your professional credibility.

The CITP designation sets you apart in the competitive international business industry because it’s proof you possess the competencies global business experts have identified as being essential for a successful career in international trade. It also recognizes your dedication to ethical business practices and ongoing professional development—both of which are desirable traits for today’s global business practitioners.

*Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) is trademarked for use within Canada. FITT International Business Professional (FIBP) is trademarked for use internationally. Both reflect the same FITT-certified designation.

**Note: This represents one of the current pathways to the CITP. Based on FITT’s application for ISO 17024 accreditation, this process will change as of January 1, 2023

Click here to take the next steps to your CITP designation

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CITP Spotlight: Sergii Malynovski, Independent Consultant Wed, 22 Sep 2021 19:00:49 +0000
Earned his elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: May 2021

A keen interest in the many aspects of international trade kept Sergii Malynovskyi on a never-ending learning curve of exploration and discovery. It, therefore, seemed a natural outcome for him to plunge into a career in his favourite field immediately upon graduation from university in 2005.

He started at an entry-level position in the Ministry of Economy in Ukraine which gave him an opportunity to look at international trade from a broad perspective of bilateral cooperation between governments. Gradually, he developed an interest in real business and how international trade is seen from a business perspective.

Learn about CITP Sergii Malynovskyi's career journey!

At that time Sergii was offered a position in the leading European national trade promotion organization. This was a unique opportunity to get acquainted with internationalization strategies and national trade promotion policies that originate from an export-oriented economy.  

“Consulting accounted for two-thirds of organization’s chargeable revenue, so long-term client relations, as well as frequent measurement of client feedback, were important. And so, through resolving challenges of individual businesses on one hand and promoting trade on a national level on the other, I began my career in internationalization consulting.” 

Nearly every assignment was a story worth telling 

According to Sergii, it’s hard for him to pick out a favourite career story. As an internationalization consultant, he has had numerous challenging assignments with businesses associated with a wide range of industries, where each would comprise a story in itself. 

 “Because in this business yesterday you assisted an industrial lightning solutions manufacturer to find distributors, today you analyze several markets in terms of feasibility of establishing a peat extraction facility and tomorrow you will be assisting major power equipment manufacturer to outsource production of a piece of their equipment. And between all that you are a part of a team that drafts a country’s strategic trade development roadmap. The career of an international business professional offers a truly rewarding experience full of stories to tell.” 

Establishing a national trade promotion organization in one of the Eastern European countries 

Besides participating in the development of strategic trade-related documents and helping multiple businesses to enter new markets, an accomplishment that Sergii is particularly proud of is being part of a team that set up an agency from scratch. Five years ago, Sergi was among the technical experts that worked on the establishment of a national trade promotion organization in one of the Eastern European countries. 

“The creation of an agency and its services triggered the development of a whole new market ecosystem in the country that is oriented at national exporters. And while both the agency and the ecosystem are yet to mature, their effect on the national economy is astonishing.” 

Never skip the most important step in any business venture: market analysis 

Sergii is emphatic as he shares some of the most crucial lessons he’s learned during the course of his career. He categorically states how counter-productive prioritizing swift sales over careful analysis of the market opportunities can be, as it could result in a continual cycle of non-performance for businesses. 

“For example, a business that jumps straight into a partner search on a given market by neglecting to conduct its supply chain analysis risks is failing to establish any operations on such a market at all. Furthermore, a thought of failure will most probably hinder the willingness of company management to spend resources for future analysis of opportunities elsewhere. And the lack of resources to properly assess market opportunities will pave the way for further non-performance. This especially applies to SMEs.” 

International trade training that imparted a wider perspective 

Although Sergii already had a great deal of experience in the subject when he enrolled in FITTskills training, he found that there were still some areas in which he lacked in-depth knowledge. FITTskills courses helped him fill those gaps and systemize the learning experience.  

“As a result my confidence in consulting grew significantly. I am now able to look at challenges of a company business internationalization strategy from a wider perspective and pinpoint and address potential bottlenecks of it more efficiently.” 

On being asked about his favourite course: 

“I found the Global Value Chain course to be particularly packed with information. Its modules on Inventory Management and International Distribution to be particularly insightful. The material I learned helped me to look at the internationalization process from a different and much more sophisticated perspective.”


Culminating the training by applying for an elite designation 

For Sergii, earning the CITP®|FIBP® designation meant more than validation of his skills. It was all about being part of the community, widening his network of professional contacts, accessing new challenging assignments and maintaining the learning curve in international trade. 

Sergii was conferred with the CITP designation in May 2021 and says he feels an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, as it was achieved after two years of self-paced learning.  

“I believe the CITP designation will take my career to another level. There will be many new challenges to take, interesting individuals to meet, and opportunities to seize. No matter what developments the future might bring, though, I’m convinced that the designation will affect them in a positive way.”


Wearing his passion for international trade on his sleeve, and equipped with the highest credentials, Sergii’s professional trajectory is poised to soar greater heights and lead him to a fulfilling future. 

Learn more about the CITP®|FIBP® designation


Advance your career and build your professional credibility in the field of global business by earning the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation.

Why Earn the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Designation?

The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation is the world’s leading professional designation for the field of international business. So whether you’re new to global trade or have over a decade of direct experience, you’ll find the CITP designation can help advance your career and build your professional credibility.

The CITP designation sets you apart in the competitive international business industry because it’s proof you possess the competencies global business experts have identified as being essential for a successful career in international trade. It also recognizes your dedication to ethical business practices and ongoing professional development—both of which are desirable traits for today’s global business practitioners.

Click here to take the next steps to your CITP designation

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CITP Spotlight: Colleen Sutton, Program Manager at Core training for Trade Commissioners Workshop Wed, 08 Sep 2021 20:02:57 +0000
Earned her elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: April 2021

Colleen’s Spanish language skills are what spurred her into an international trade career. She had just returned from working in Uruguay on a Master’s curriculum program in ocean management, when she came across a vacancy in the Department of Foreign Affairs Latin American Bureau. That marked the beginning of a fulfilling career journey—and there has been no looking back since. 

Covering large gaming events as a Trade Commissioner in Brazil 

Among Colleen’s favourite career stories was her involvement in covering major gaming events, including the FIFA World Cup. She also was part of preparations for the 2016 Olympic Games while working in Brazil as a Trade Commissioner. 

“I was lucky to be able to visit and tour a large shipyard project, as well as some of the stadiums while under construction, the Rio Olympics locations, and headquarters—really great opportunities to see things in action.” 

Proud to work with the “Canadian Olympic Family” 

Helping Canadian companies that provide products and services related to large gaming events like the Olympics is what Colleen finds extremely satisfying. She takes pride in assisting them with the procurement process so they can succeed in different markets. She also enjoys training the large network of her trade commissioner colleagues, helping them enhance their performance.  

“Meeting more than 1000 of our staff members all over the world–we have a really amazing trade team at Global Affairs Canada and being a part of making them better every day is really great.”


Be prepared for hiccups and sudden changes 

Experience has taught Colleen to always be prepared for the unforeseen, as things rarely unfold as expected. It’s important to be open to any situation and seize opportunities as they present themselves. 

“You might have gone to a meeting with one expectation and a completely different opportunity, even in a different sector, suddenly appears—you need to be able to turn around quickly, grab it and run. Those are golden moments.” 

Gaining more confidence with FITTskills training 

For Colleen, the FITTskills courses proved extremely useful as she didn’t have any trade/MBA background. The in-depth and practical training helped her become a more knowledgeable and confident business advisor to her clients.  

“Systematically reviewing the various market entry strategies, the international financial instruments available to companies…it was a great overview that gave me a solid base from which to help clients (and help our trade commissioners in the TCS help clients).”

Colleen’s favourite course: 

International Trade Finance was the most useful for me, as this area can feel opaque and a bit confusing, yet is so important for our clients and our Canadian companies.”


Achieving the next important milestone—the elite and industry-recognized certification in International Trade 

Colleen wanted the best way to validate her skills, experience, and hard work, and she knew the prestigious CITP®|FIBP® designation would help her do this:

“I wanted to highlight the skills I had developed, the studies I’d finished, and the experience I’d gained over the last 10 years. This seemed like a good way to both demonstrate those and connect with others in the international trade field.” 

Colleen is confident that her newly acquired designation will her network with other international trade professionals and allow them to connect with her as well.  

“I think it demonstrates my commitment to the field” 

Colleen’s love for her profession, combined with her knowledge and enthusiasm, has already set her on a successful path. There is no doubt that this is just the beginning of many more accomplishments just waiting to happen in the years to come.   

Want to connect with Colleen?

LinkedIn: Colleen Sutton

Learn more about the CITP®|FIBP® designation


Advance your career and build your professional credibility in the field of global business by earning the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation.

Why Earn the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Designation?

The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation is the world’s leading professional designation for the field of international business. So whether you’re new to global trade or have over a decade of direct experience, you’ll find the CITP designation can help advance your career and build your professional credibility.

The CITP designation sets you apart in the competitive international business industry because it’s proof you possess the competencies global business experts have identified as being essential for a successful career in international trade. It also recognizes your dedication to ethical business practices and ongoing professional development—both of which are desirable traits for today’s global business practitioners.

Click here to take the next steps to your CITP designation

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CITP Spotlight: Pavan Kulkarni, Manager Supply Chain and Operations Tue, 24 Aug 2021 22:35:48 +0000
Earned his elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: Jan. 2021

Pavan Kulkarni’s journey into international trade began as a pharmaceutical graduate. He was working in the Pharma domestic market in India from 2006 until 2013 when he got a job offer from OPHAM Madagascar, the leading importer and wholesaler of medicines in the region. In his new role, he began to look after the sourcing and importing of generic medicines from India and China. This initial exposure to import and distribution whetted his appetite for more, spurring him to enroll in formal training in international trade. 

A rich, multifaceted career experience 

Pavan has travelled a long path in his professional journey so far, starting as a production trainee and getting promoted to Production Planner and Inventory Controller. He went on to gain experience in supply chain where he was looking after material planning, production scheduling, and despatch planning of finished goods as per the sales projections in the market. In this role, he acted as a bridge between the parent company and the contract manufacturing site located in India and overseas.  

Pavan’s current responsibilities entail looking after end-to-end supply chain sourcing, negotiating supply contracts, coordinating the registration of products with the local Ministry of Health, analyzing market demand for each product, coordination of sales and marketing, procurement, international logistics, documentation, import clearance of consignment and bringing it to the warehouse for distribution. Looking back on his professional journey, Pavan feels fortunate to have gathered such a rich repertoire of experience over the years that now comprises some of his most fulfilling career stories.

Conceptualized, planned, and implemented a new deal in medical consumables and disposable equipment 

In April 2020, Pavan began exploring the idea of starting a new health care division in OPHAM dealing in consumables and disposable equipment. After getting the go-ahead from his company, Pavan started researching the disposable syringe market in Madagascar. His next step was to source from a reliable supplier in China, after which he worked on the technical, regulatory, and pricing and costing parts, finally finishing the job with a multi-party supply and distribution agreement. 

“I passed the first order of USD $100,000 in April 2020 and anxiously waited for the shipment to arrive, hoping for a smooth process and a positive outcome.” 

The containers reached Madagascar in October 2020 and to Pavan’s joy and relief, the product was immensely appreciated by his clients, especially in regard to quality and price. 

Encouraged by the huge success of the project, his company entrusted him with developing business for the full range of medical consumables and healthcare, along with pharmaceuticals. 

A valuable nugget of advice for his professional counterparts 

Pavan believes that a clear understanding of the end-to-end supply chain, from idea generation to delivery of the product to the client, is crucial for the success of the project. 

Business training that impacted daily work efficiency  

Pavan soon realized that he needed to acquire in-depth and practical knowledge related to international business. Enrolling in FITTskills courses helped him understand ins and outs of global trade. They also directly impacted his day-to-day work processes. 

Although I enjoyed doing all the courses, International Trade Finance was my favourite. It helped me to understand how the supply chain finance flows and the different financial solutions available for risk mitigation and cash flow management.”

Topping up his qualifications with an industry-recognized designation 

Inspired by the CITP spotlight stories, Pavan wished to earn the prestigious CITP®|FIBP® designation too as it would prove that he possessed the requisite skills to navigate the global business landscape. He achieved his goal of becoming a part of the CITP community when he earned the designation in January 2021. 

Pavan feels proud and happy to join the elite group of dedicated international trade professionals and is the first to have achieved this from Madagascar (East Africa). He considers himself lucky to have learned about FITT early in his career. 

“This designation will add credibility to my career and will distinguish me from my colleagues at work. My employers will have more confidence in my abilities and be able to assign me with several challenging and interesting projects in the days ahead. My dream for the future is to be recognized as an Import/Export Trade Expert in the African continent and around the globe.”

Pavan’s natural flair and analytical approach to his tasks ensure that his efforts always are successful. Now equipped with a designation that spells excellence, he appears all set to transform his dreams into reality. 

Want to connect with Pavan?

LinkedIn: Pavan Kulkarni

Learn more about the CITP®|FIBP® designation


Advance your career and build your professional credibility in the field of global business by earning the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation.

Why Earn the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Designation?

The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation is the world’s leading professional designation for the field of international business. So whether you’re new to global trade or have over a decade of direct experience, you’ll find the CITP designation can help advance your career and build your professional credibility.

The CITP designation sets you apart in the competitive international business industry because it’s proof you possess the competencies global business experts have identified as being essential for a successful career in international trade. It also recognizes your dedication to ethical business practices and ongoing professional development—both of which are desirable traits for today’s global business practitioners.

Click here to take the next steps to your CITP designation

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CITP Spotlight: Ben Chutta, International Business Consultant Fri, 06 Aug 2021 21:35:47 +0000

Earned his elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: March 2021

Ben Chutta’s initiation into international trade began when, as an Asper School of Business student, he earned a scholarship to do a one-semester exchange in Pécs, Hungary. During his time there, he took Master’s courses in international business, European Union law, and Corporate Social Responsibility and had the opportunity to travel to 14 countries throughout the continent.  

This exchange motivated him to apply for another scholarship, which he won as well. This time it was in Guadalajara, Mexico. There, he learned about global marketing and competitiveness with a focus on Latin America. He also got a chance to travel with his group to Mexico and Ecuador.  

These opportunities set him firmly on the path to an international business degree and brought him his very first global role of selling luxury cinema seats to movie theatres all over the world.  

Within four years, I led our market entry into 15 countries and managed a team in the UAE, France, The Netherlands, Canada, USA, and Mexico.” 

Business trips through Europe—traveling to five countries in five days 

In 2019, Ben and his French colleague traveled through Europe on five business trips. Each trip typically consisted of a meeting with the largest movie theatre in each of the five countries, and they would visit one country a day.  

One trip example is a meeting in Paris then a drive to Gent, then a drive to Amsterdam, followed by a flight to Bremen, and finally a flight to Krakow. As a Canadian, nothing seemed “far,” but to our friends in Europe, we were crazy! Throughout these trips, I learned so many valuable lessons, built great connections, and had a lot of fun along the way.” 

Winning an award at the “Spirit of Winnipeg” gala 

Every year, the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce holds the “Spirit of Winnipeg” gala, where leaders from the business community, politicians, and award nominees are invited for an evening of recognition. There were 50 submissions for the “International Trade” award category, and to his pride and delight, Ben and his previous company were declared as the winners. He had the honour of accepting the award and giving a speech in front of 600 of Winnipeg’s business leaders. This was a truly memorable experience for Ben that he will always cherish. 

In 2019-2020, he was invited by the World Trade Centre of Winnipeg to speak as an alumni success story to 32 SMEs in the Trade Accelerator Program. Ben spoke about his company’s international success and drew from his personal experiences to provide direction to the companies involved with the program. 

A piece of advice that Ben would like to share with his Canadian counterparts: 

Don’t underestimate your ability to work internationally. As a Canadian, you are exposed to different cultures every day, which many countries do not have the privilege of. You already have an advantage, so make sure to leverage it.” 

Enrolling in trade training to gain holistic knowledge and to fill in the gaps 

Having set the CITP designation as his final goal, Ben began his journey towards achieving it by signing up for FITTskills courses in international trade. The modular learning format made it manageable, and he found that the online learning worked with his busy travel schedule.  

The courses, coupled with his hands-on experience, helped him polish and refine his international business professional skills. Although sales and marketing are his main areas of expertise, the FITTskills courses taught him a great deal about international finance and the global value chain. 

“My favourite course was International Trade Finance. Before the first module, I knew finance was my main weakness. Once I completed the course, I immediately felt adept and knowledgeable in this area, which gave me the confidence to now call myself an international business expert.”

After completing his FITT Diploma in International trade, Ben decided to apply for the prestigious credential he had long been aiming for—the  CITP®|FIBP® designationwhich he earned in May 2021. He considers the designation to be a valuable addition to his professional profile as it sets him apart as an expert in his field, validating the skills and knowledge he has worked so hard to achieve. 

“After five years of international business experience, completing all six courses to receive the FITT certificate and diploma, the designation was the icing on the cake. I am honoured and excited to join the thousands of CITPs helping to create a more globalized world.”

On how he foresees his CITP designation playing a role in his future career 

As I continue to build my international consulting business, the CITP designation will reinforce to my customers my education, skillset and experience, and give them more confidence that I am someone who has what it takes to help them expand globally.” 

Ben’s enthusiasm and passion for his profession have already earned him several well-deserved successes. We have no doubt that his energy, knowledge, and focus will spur him on to achieving greater laurels in the years to come. 

Want to connect with Ben?

LinkedIn: Ben Chutta

Learn more about the CITP®|FIBP® designation


Advance your career and build your professional credibility in the field of global business by earning the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation.

Why Earn the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Designation?

The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation is the world’s leading professional designation for the field of international business. So whether you’re new to global trade or have over a decade of direct experience, you’ll find the CITP designation can help advance your career and build your professional credibility.

The CITP designation sets you apart in the competitive international business industry because it’s proof you possess the competencies global business experts have identified as being essential for a successful career in international trade. It also recognizes your dedication to ethical business practices and ongoing professional development—both of which are desirable traits for today’s global business practitioners.

Click here to take the next steps to your CITP designation

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