How a newcomer to Canada leveraged global business experience with local credentials

Daniela Diaconu had a problem. She enjoyed considerable experience working in global business in Canada and her native Romania, completed many courses in commerce, business administration and international trade, and yet she had no formal accreditation to show for her vast experience and deep knowledge.

Daniella D'Alimonte

With her background in writing, marketing and business journalism, Daniella focuses on crafting quality stories and relevant content to inform and inspire the international business community.

Another FITTskills grad scores an internship with the EDC’s Small Business Solutions team

Megan Malone received the good news that she was selected to be this year’s EDC–FITT intern while on a micro-enterprise development internship in Rwanda. “I…

Daniella D'Alimonte

With her background in writing, marketing and business journalism, Daniella focuses on crafting quality stories and relevant content to inform and inspire the international business community.

Up and coming business achievers: Winners of the FITT Educational Awards 2012

The journey to our coveted Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation begins with our  FITTskills international trade training program, offered both online and through our…

Daniella D'Alimonte

With her background in writing, marketing and business journalism, Daniella focuses on crafting quality stories and relevant content to inform and inspire the international business community.

Creating international business connections

Joseph Tadros has been with the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) for 29 years, and currently works in Cairo, Egypt. It’s his job to work…

Daniella D'Alimonte

With her background in writing, marketing and business journalism, Daniella focuses on crafting quality stories and relevant content to inform and inspire the international business community.